Chapter 2: Waking and Chirping

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Cheetor stirred, but didn't online his optics. He didn't want to get up just yet. For some reason his berth was remarkably soft this morning. He shifted and placed his helm on his, strangely fuzzy, pillow. He would've have fallen back into recharge if it wasn't for his pillow...breathing.

Cheetor's optics jolted online and his helm swung up. Waking, to find himself snuggling with another cheetah? He was very confused...until his internal memory chips started working again, and connected the dots. Everything came slowly flooding back to him; the eyes, the pod, the preds, the cat. He's ears flopped down, and glanced back at the feline he was sharing the medical berth with. She didn't look as if she was in as much pain as before. Her vents seemed to be deep slow and peaceful.

"She must be feeling better," he thought.

Suddenly, a low fuel warning popped up onto his HUD. Checking his chronometer, he discovered that it was the next morning. He had recharged next to her for the whole night. He suddenly felt very embarrassed and surprised. The medical berths were hardly ever used and certainly not in any way comfortable; everyone just usually used the CR chambers. Sleeping through the night on one was quite an accomplishment, and Cheetor had just achieved it without thinking.

He shook his helm, putting the thoughts of strange accomplishments aside, it was definitely time for some breakfast. He hopped down to the floor before, switching over to robot-mode. Stretching he hesitantly left the med-bay.

Entering the command center, he found that Optimus, Rhinox, and Rattrap, were busy refueling there. He briefly wondered where everyone else was until he remembered that Tigatron, and Airazor usually took the down patrol and Dinobot did whatever.

"Well...Look who decided to make an appearance," Optimus said.

"Morning everyone," Cheetor greeted grabbing a cube of energon for himself.

"Did you recharge well?" Optimus asked.

"Like a rock," The cat bot took a seat at the table.

"On the medical berths?" Rhinox asked.

Scrap! They saw me! "Uh...yeah."

"Impressive," Optimus murmered, through his most recent sip of energon.

A bearable silence fell over the command center. Well, bearable for most of the maximals present.

"Okay, what's wit da awkward silence?! Are ya gonna ta spill or what?" Rattrap tuned in, looking at Cheetor.

"What are you talking about?" Optimus asked.

"I just want ta know da dets on Spots' first night wit his new girlfriend."

Cheetor nearly choked, "She's not my girlfriend."

"Ya recharged wit her."

"She saved my life Rattrap! And got hurt in the process. I wanted to make sure she was going to be okay," the catbot insisted.

"Ya, sure," said Rattrap.

"While we're on the topic of our new guest," Optimus started, "Rhinox what course of action do you recommend for her recovery?"

The herbivore, rested his digits on his chin for a moment, before answering, "Hum, I took a second look at the scans I took of her, the break in her front leg is worse than I originally thought," he took a sip of energon.

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