New school, same old me

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Well fuck. He was in deep shit. He hadn't expected his mother to be serious about the boarding school, yet here he was. The ear-splitting bell rang again and he hoped he wouldn't be able to hear it from his room, but at this point he knew he would be lucky to even get a decent roommate. 

He was fast approaching his room and when he got there, he noticed a note on the door. 

                                 ROOMMATE SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

He heaved a sigh. 

"Well thank fuck for that." He looked around and noticed that his dorm was right next to someone named June Davis and her roommate was suspended as well. 

"Hey." A voice behind him made him jump. 

"I'm June Davis. My pronouns are she/they." He looked at her.

"Sal Rochester. Nice to meet you." They didn't strike him as the type of person to play loud music in their room so she was alright in his book. 

"Guess we're neighbors." She wasn't infuriating as normally happy people usually are.

"Yeah I guess." He said. Maybe this stupid school wouldn't be so bad.

"So what're you in for?" They asked.  

"Just got kicked out of too many schools i guess. You?" He replied.

"I stole from my billionaire parents, y'know normal rich kid stuff." He cracked a grin in spite of himself.

"Something tells me we're gonna get along great."

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