Chapter Two

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Take place right where chapter one left off

Kurts POV
"Rachel!?" I exclaimed in joy and shock

"Surprise! I thought I'd come by to not only make my best friend some breakfast but also wish him luck!" She explains while making her way into my small kitchen.

"Okay what's going on and don't say nothing." She goes to open her mouth but I start talking once again "and it better not be because my dad set you up to anything. I'm fine perfectly fine!"

"Your dad didn't set up anything I promise. It's just I'm not gonna lie Kurt but I'm worried about you. I know you and Blaine where in a rough patch when he passed and I know how much you loved him but and this is coming from experience I think it's time to move on." She catiosly explains to me anger boils inside of me. I go to where she's getting out a pan and take it from her.

"You can go."


"LEAVE RACHEL!" I screamed at her surprising myself never in the eight years of us being friends have I ever screamed at her. I can tell she's shocked as well but thankfully she sees her way out.

"I'm sorry Kurt call me if you need anything and good luck with the interview. Blaine and Finn would love the designs your making." She says stoping in the door way for a quick minute before finally making an exit.

Once she leaves I sink into the couch pulling out my phone and opening up Blaines contact. I hit the call button and hear it ring four times before going to voicemail. My ears are suddenly filled with Blaines voice.

"Hello you've reached Blaine phone sorry I didn't answer you leave me a message and I'll get back to you shortly. Oh! If you're Kurt listening to this I'm so sorry I didn't answer you love. I love you leave me a message honey and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." In the background of the voice mail I can hear my own laughter. I remember him making that voicemail as a joke but he never did change it. The phone beeps telling me to leave my voicemail.

"H-Hi sweetie I know it's been awhile but today marks five years with out you. I miss you more and more each day please come back. Even though I know you won't s-since your dead." I start to break down sobs wreak my voice. Eventually they stop but turn into silent sobs.

"I-I'm sorry about that sweetie I know you hate hearing me cry. Who am I kidding though it's not like you'll ever hear this. J-Just know I love you I'm not mad at you I forgive you I forgave you awhile ago I hope you know that. I still don't understand why you did it but I know there's no point in pondering on that anymore." I feel more sobs coming on but I take a deep breath and continue on with the voice mail.

"I have to go love but I'll talk to you again soon,alright? I love you so much and if by any chance you are hearing any of this please tell Finn I miss and love him too as does Rachel too. Bye honey B I love you so much"

I sigh and end the call deciding to look through old photos of Blaine. I end up stopping on a certain picture.

(A/N pretend it's a picture and not a gif it's all I could find sorry)

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(A/N pretend it's a picture and not a gif it's all I could find sorry)

It was from his very first day at McKinley I snapped a quick picture so I could remember it forever. "Man the things I would do to see that smile one more time." I start to cry once again but cut it out "get it together Kurt you're doing this for Blaine be strong for him. I get up and make my way to my room to finish getting ready.

I walked out of the Vogue feeling great they approved the line and gave me the go ahead to start designing. On my way home I pass by Callbacks I immediately feel a chill so I pick up my pace but something pulls me towards Bryant park.

I see the fountain the last place,besides my apartment,that me and Blaine ever went to. I go take a seat on it and stare into the water. While doing so I see a very familiar face on the other side staring at me.

"B-Blaine?" I reach towards him but lose my balance and end up falling into the fountain. In no less then two seconds I'm pulled out and pulled into someone's arms,very familiar arms too might I add.

"Can you hear me? Hello? Hey kid!"

I quickly realize it's not Blaine and make pull myself out of their arms. "Y-You're not Blaine!" I start to sob. The person try's calming me down but I won't listen I run to the other side of the park and plop down on a bench. I put my head in my hands and start to cry once again. "I just want you back Blaine I'm sorry I can't do this anymore." I quietly sob to myself suddenly the wind picks up and I realize crying in the middle of the park isn't a great idea so I start to head home.

One I'm back at my apartment I collapse onto the couch and put in a movie, Moulin Rouge of course. I fall asleep during Come What May dreaming of coming home to Blaine for once instead of an empty apartment.
Whoa two chapters in one day that's rare lol please tell me what you think. What did Rachel have to tell Kurt? Will Kurt ever find Blaine? Why did those strangers arms feel so familiar to Kurt?

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