The creature

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Your POV
I was with Stiles getting his Jeep fixed
"He's drilling" I said pointing out the window
"No. No no no . I'll be back" he said leaving
He went to talk, to the mechanic, leaving me sat giggling

I saw him come back and pull a face of disgust
"Nice that's real sanitary. Quality establishment you're running here" stiles shouted coming in whipping a gloop of his hand
"Figures" he said looking at the picture on the wall
I chuckled and looked at my own phone.

He went on his phone, but started to freeze up
"What the...." he said as his phone clattered to the ground and he started to breath heaving his hands shaking
"Oh" he said
"You okay?" I asked

"Hey. Hey" stiles shouted
"Stiles?" I asked
He grunted and fell over
"STILES!" I shouted worried.
"The guy" he said going for his phone
"But Stiles" I tried to lift him
"No help him" he said crawling to his phone

I went to open the door, when I saw the belt fall on the guy
Some weird jelly stuff made me step back and go for a tissue. "Ew" I whined
"I'm coming" I said going to the door again

But I feel over. Losing the control of my legs
Stiles phone rang, the cops on the line

"I'm sorry" I shouted
"Close your eyes baby" I heard softly from my boyfriend

A creature appeared at the door, making me squeak in shock


"I told you. I just walked in and I saw the jeep on top of the guy. That's all" stiles said to his dad
"What's wrong with your hand, and your legs?" Sheriff asked us
Stiles shook his hand out
"Nothing. Can we just get out of here now?" Stiles asked
"Look, if there's something you don't think you can't tell me...." Noah said
"You think we're lying?" Stiles interrupted him
"No, of course not. I'm just worried about yous" Noah said
I was sitting beside him. Rubbing my legs, with my knees bent up, trying to regain movement in the most natural way.

"Now, if you saw someone do this, and if you're afraid that maybe they're gonna come back and make sure you don't say anything about it" sheriff said
"I didn't see anything at all. Can I take Sky and go?" Stiles asked
"Me either.Please?" I asked
"Sure, but not in your Jeep. I'm going to have to impound it. Sorry kid, evidence. I'll see you at home" sheriff said leaving

Stiles sighed in defeat
"Alright, well, at least make sure they wash it" he called after his dad
He stood up, "can you walk baby?" He asked offering me a hand
"A bit" I whispered

He pulled me up, and helped me walk. "Come with me" he said
"Where too?" I asked
"Scott's picking us up" he said and I nodded following him slowly

We hopped in my brothers car.
"Yous okay?" He asked us concerned
"Other than my legs being entirely numb? Then great" I said sarcastically with a smile
"You were right. It's not like you. I mean, it's eyes were almost, like, reptilian. But there was something about it" Stiles said
"What do you mean?" Scott asked
"You know when you see a friend in a Halloween mask, and all you can see if their eyes, but you can't figure out who it is" Stiles said
"Are you saying you know who it is?" Scott asked
"No, but it knew us" I finished


Stiles was running back and forth between Allison and Scott, delivering messages. Dragging me with him

"I'm so sorry about the other day. I'm trying. Well get through this. Uh.... I know because I love you. I love you more than- oh my god! I can't.. you and Allison just have to find a better way to communicate." stiles said the message freaking out
"Come on. You two are the only ones we can trust. Is she coming to the game tonight?" Scott asked
"Yes okay? Message complete. Alright, now tell me about your boss" Stiles said annoyed
"He thinks Allisons family keeps some kind of, uh, records of all the things they've hunted. Like a book" Scott said
"He probably means a bestiary" stiles clapped happily
"Smart boy" I kissed his cheek
"A what?" Scott asked
"A bestiary" I repeated
"I think you mean beastality" Scott laughed
"Nope, pretty sure we don't" stiles said deadpan
"It's like an encyclopedia of mythical creatures" I explained
"How am I the only one that doesn't seem to know anything about this stuff?" Scott asked
"Okay, you know, you're my best friend, and she's my girlfriend, you're a creature of the night. It's kind of like a priority of mine" Stiles said
"Plus I've had this stuff around me for years Scotty" I added
"Okay. If we can find it, and it can tell us what this thing is..." Scott said to him
"And who" I said
"We need that book" the boys said at the same time

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