Finding some truth

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Your POV
"Starting to get it?" Derek asked
"I get that he's killing people, but I don't get why?" My twin said
"I mean this isn't standard practice,right? We don't go out in the middle of the night murdering everyone do we?" He asked
"Yea were all vicious horrible killers that stalk our prey in the dark" I said sarcastically
"No. We're predators. We don't have to be killers" Derek said monotone

I was sitting watching Stiles in his dads car.
I waved but I don't think he saw me.

"Then why is he a killer?" Scott asked us confused
"That's what we're gonna find out" Derek said walking away
I followed after beside my twin

We walked to Dereks house.
"You know I have a life too" Scott pipped up
"No you don't." Derek replied
"Yes I do!" Scott said annoyed
"No you don't" I teased happily
"I don't care what you say about him making me his pet or...."
"Part of his pack" Derek corrected him
"Whatever. I have homework to do. I have to go to a parent/teacher conference tomorrow because I'm failing chemistry" my twin continued his rant
"Wait what?" I asked shocked
"You wanna do homework? Or do you wanna not die?" Derek asked

Scott just sighed looking away

"You have less than a week until the full moon. You don't kill with him, he kills you"
"Okay seriously, who made up these rules?" Scott asked annoyed
"It's a rite of passage into his pack" Derek said in a baby voice
"You know what else is a rite of passage? Graduating from high school! And you don't have to kill anyone to do it! Why can't you just find him yourself?" Scott said
I just sighed and sat on the steps

"Why can't you just sniff him out when he's a human?" Scott asked stuttering
"Because his human scent could be entirely different. It has to be you" Derek said getting more annoyed now at my older twin
"You have a connection with him, a link that you can't understand. If I can teach you to control your abilities, you can find him." Derek said raising his voice a bit

"So if I help you, you can stop him?" Scott asked
"Not alone. We're stronger in numbers. A pack makes the individual more powerful" Derek told him
I just sat there nodding along with what was being said

"How am I supposed to help if I have no idea what I'm doing?" Scott asked looking down at me
I just sighed
"Because I'm gonna teach you" Derek emphasised his words.
"Do you remember what happened that first night you were shot in the arm? Right after you were hit." Derek asked
"Yeah I changed back." Scott muttered

Derek hummed
"Mmm-hmm. And when you were hit by his car, same thing, right?" He asked
Scott nodded
"What's the common denominator?" He asked stepping to him

"Gently at least" I said to him

Scott shook his head not sure, Derek just took his hand, squeezing breaking my Twins bones.
"Derek, I said gently" I said standing up

Scott screamed falling down
"What is.... what the hell are you doing?" Scott asked in pain
"It'll heal." Derek tutted
"It still hurts" Scott whined
"And that's what keeps you human. Pain" Derek informed him
Scott's hand healed quickly
"Maybe you will survive" he said walking off

"TELL REMMY I WANNA GO TO THE PARK!" I shouted after him
"Go home Sky" he shouted back


I went home and got ready for school.
Since Lydia wasn't in today, I had to walk.
Which wasn't that bad.

I had put some balloons in Allison's locker, along with a cute bobble pen.

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