Home sweet home

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"What do you mean, the real Tiltown?" I asked as we drove on the road. My eyes looked up to the sky as it began to slowly brighten over time, a dark gold illuminating over us. I peered back at James who I had to rudely waken for this trip, to see him already sleeping soundly once again.
"There was another town nearby that was also called Tiltown, but since this town moved in, It's name changed." He replied. As we slowly came to a stop at a corner, a man was walking across. As he looked up at us, we both were surprised. He rushed up to my side with a relieved smile.
"It's been a while." West said. His smile stopped, however, when he took in Diego's presence. "What's going on here?" He inquired as he stared down Diego.
"It's a long story." I replied. He suddenly opened the backseat door and slipped inside.
"I have time, if I'm welcomed." West says, eyeing Diego.
"Yeah, of course." Diego simply says before driving off.

"Are we even sure though?" West questions once I caught him up on everything I've learned in the past couple of days.
"I'm beyond that, I know." Diego says as he takes a right turn down a suburban neighborhood.
"You better be." West says threateningly.
"West, I know you may have trust issues, we all do, but don't be rude." I scold him as he widens his eyes for a moment before showing an apologetic expression. Suddenly, we are stopped in a driveway that held a black car.
"Uh, where are we?" West asked Diego.
"The real Tiltown, however, as of three years ago, it's now Elm's Rest." Diego responded proudly.
"No, I got that part. Why are we in a stranger's driveway?" West corrected himself with a hint of sass. My eyes shot back at him as a warning, in response he rolled his eyes.
"We here to meet with your twin brother. Your real one." He says before getting out of the car. We all follow his lead, even James who had just woke up moments ago. My eyes took in the seemingly normal neighborhood. Birds chirped loudly, teenagers walking side by side on the sidewalk, laughing and smiling. Genuine ones, at that. Diego took a deep breath before knocking on the white door. A few seconds pass before footsteps head toward the door before a brunette woman answers it.
"Oh, hello!" She smiles at us. Her long brunette locks, curling at the bottom just before reaching her chest. Her blue eyes sparkled against the rising sun that hovered over the neighborhood.
"Oh." Diego sounds disappointed as he took in her appearance.
"You dummy." West mumbled under his breath. I glared at him as he grins to himself, attempting to stop himself from laughing.
"Is there an Abraham here?" James intrudes with a forced smile.
She returns the politeness that was given to her from James, "Oh yes! Give me a moment." She says before walking away. We all look at one another, looking nervous or rather skeptical. A man comes to the open door, wearing a cowboy hat, hiding his face from the rest of us. The woman comes up next to him, laying her head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, he just did some yard work. Honey, take your hat off." She laughs before walking off.
The man chuckles in his throat, "Sorry about that." He apologizes before taking the hat off and revealing his face to us. He looked exactly like West. His hair was the same length, color, everything about him was the same. They both shared the same grungy clothing.
"Abraham?" West breathes, shocked. Abraham's eyes widen as he looked at him, then to the rest of us.
"So, it is you." Diego says before smiling. Abraham peeks out the door, looking both ways before focusing his attention on us again,
"Are you crazy for coming here? Did anyone follow you?" Abraham whispered harshly.
"No of course not, Abe." Diego laughs, however Abraham wasn't amused. He waved us in quickly before shutting the door and locking it. His home appearing classy and rich.
"How did you find me? No, why did you find me?" Abraham inquired Diego. Every now and again, I spotted Abraham glancing at West as if his presence had made him uncomfortable.
"Because we need your help. You made Tiltown into what it is today and now you've got to help us fix it. Things are getting bad." Diego explained to him.
"What do you mean Diego? What did Abraham do?" West asked him, eyeing Abraham in the corner of his eye.
"I was doing an experiment." Abraham interrupted. We all looked at him with surprise.
"An experiment? What're you talking about?" James asked.
"Our father was the leader of some secret group in that town, and I wanted to help. Except, he wouldn't let me. So, I took matters into my own hands." Abraham explained vaguely.
"You did a lot more than that." Diego spat with anger.

Abraham's POV, five years ago

As I finished up the last final touches, his eyes opened up. His eye color, hair color, everything about him was the same as my own.
"Hello. Your name is Abraham." I told the clone I made with my bare hands. He sat up and looked at me, then at his arms.
"I'm you." He spoke with my voice.
"Yes, and I need you to help me." I pleaded with him. He stood up and looked around my home before returning his attention back to me.
"I have all these memories, are they yours?" He asks me.
I nodded, "Yes. Everything that's you, is actually me." I attempted to explain to him, though he still seemed slightly confused.
"What do you need help with?" He inquired me, walking closer.
"I need to have more power and control, to help my father. To help Tiltown." I informed him. He smiled widely.
"Of course. I'll do more than help even." He replied. However, I felt regret building up in me.

Present day, Laurence's POV
"So, you had bad intentions and that made him evil." West thought aloud.
"No! I just wanted to help our father." Abraham defended himself.
"Our father left us, separated us and took a town and made it his own." West spat back at him.
Diego waved his hands in the air, "None of this matters. What matters is that we have to destroy that town." He said. A sudden knock on the door sounded out throughout the now silent house.
"I thought you said you weren't followed." Abraham whispered before opening the door up. The person rushed in and hugged me tight.
"I knew it!" The voice spoke. Once we let go, I realized it was Jerrick.
"Jerrick? Where have you been?" I questioned him.
"I escaped Abraham's lab." He breathed heavily. His hair was messed, darkness surrounded his eyes and his skin pale.

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