Christmas Time

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  A/N: Smut in this chapter!

Harry and Louis had been living with each other for a couple of months now. They never thought they could be any happier. Harry had even stopped self harming. Things were going perfect. It was fast approaching Christmas and the boys were on their school holiday.

 "Hey babe" Harry called from the kitchen.


 "Umm, what do you want to do for Christmas?" 

 "I don't know, I haven't really done Christmas since I moved out on my own." 

 "Can we celebrate?"

 "Of course" Louis replies, walking over and kissing Harry on the cheek. "Anything that makes you happy I am all for."

 Harry smiles. "Can we go get a tree today?"

 "Yeah, that will be fun"

 Harry jumped up and down with glee. "I'm gonna go get my shoes" 

 Louis laughed. "I guess we can go now"

 Harry turned and smiled at Louis before running into their bedroom and putting his shoes on. Harry returned with a jacket and a scarf for Louis. "Here babe put this on. Your shoes are by the front door." Louis just smiled. "We need to go now. Come on put it on" Harry insisted as he impatiently waited.

 "Haz, it is only nine in the morning. Nothing is going to happen if we leave a little later, they are just trees."

 A brink of sadness spread across Harry's face. He felt as someone just crushed his dreams like he was just played a joke on. He didn't realize it, but his lip started to quiver.


 "Yeah?" Harry said as he looked up slowly from the floor.

 "It's just a tree"

 "It's not though," Harry said as he walked over to the couch and sat down, placing his head in his hands. "It's my favorite holiday. It is the only time my mum can forget that I am gay. It is the only time I get to see Gemma. It's the only time I am ever truly happy. My family is all together and happy together. It's like this time of year everything that is bad just kind of vanishes. It all starts off with us going as a family to pick out the perfect tree. We go bright and early in the morning the day the tree farm opens so that we can get the perfect tree. The one with the biggest and fullest branches, one that is so heavy that we all three have to carry it in the house. So no Lou, it is not just a tree."

 Louis slowly walked over and sat next to Harry on the couch. "Let's go get that tree then babe. I want you to be happy. Maybe, you can even call Gem and see if she wants to meet us up there and help us pick out the perfect tree."

 Harry's face lit up. "Really?"

 "Yes really, now call Gemma."

 Harry jumped up and ran to his room and called Gemma. ____________________________________________________________________ 

 The whole ride to the tree farm they sang Christmas carols and told each other about their favorite Christmas memories. When they arrived, Harry jumped out of the car and ran to the gate of the farm. Louis couldn't help but smile at him. He really loved Harry and he would do anything to make him happy. 

 "Lou come on!"

 "I'm coming. I need to just lock up."

 When they finally got in, they walked through rows and rows of trees. Louis loved watching how Harry inspected every tree. He almost laughed every time he heard him criticize the branches or the height of each tree.

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