Sicheng started tearing up. "No, no you don't. You don't love me Yuta. Stop saying that. Just leave."

Yuta walked over to where Sicheng stood and took one of his hands softly.

Sicheng clenched his eyes shut, and a small tear escaped. Yuta wiped it away, and the younger male started shaking his head.

"No. Go away. I'm sorry but you should really leave."

"I won't. I already told you I left that damn place for you!"

Yuta was starting to get louder, but he couldn't help it. He can't just leave like this.

They were both very aware they wanted each other again, and that the other person felt the same way, but Sicheng wouldn't stop denying it.

He could see all the emotions and changes in Yuta's eyes, but he just wouldn't accept it.

Mistakes cost lifetimes, and his was already in danger every day. He couldn't add to it.

"I don't want you here."

They had walked so far across the room that they were now standing in front of a wall, so Yuta took advantage of it.

He slammed his hand on the wall, trapping the younger in between his arm and a small bookshelf.

"Say that again. If you can look me in my eyes and say it again then I'll leave. I'll leave for good."

Sicheng looked to the side, not daring to face the older male in fear that he would start tearing up and not be able to go through with it.

It was better without him here.

"I-I don't-"

Yuta slammed his other hand next to the other side of Sicheng's head, but the younger didn't even flinch.

"I said look me in the eyes."

Sicheng forced his head to look at Yuta.

He couldn't even properly hold eye contact with him. He didn't know what to feel when he was around him anymore.

Betrayal? Love?

None of this was complicated before he came.

He took a deep breath to steady his voice before speaking again.

"I said I don't want you here. You should leave now Yuta."

Sicheng could see Yuta's eyes give up. They softened and the Japanese male looked down as he slid his hands off of the wall.

Neither of them moved for a while before Yuta turned around and walked out of the room without sparing the Chinese boy another glance.

Once he was sure Yuta was gone, Sicheng slowly walked over to the door and locked it.

He leaned against the wood and slid down until he was sitting down against it.

He pulled his knees towards himself and buried his head in his arms.

He wasn't crying, he just couldn't bring himself to stand up and do anything.

The moment he did he would probably break down completely and he didn't want that.

"Fuck you Yuta Nakamoto."

Yuta walked slowly down the stairs, hearing the sounds of a few people arguing with each other coming from the foyer.

When he reached the voices, all ten people turned to look at him. He was trying to hold back tears and his eyes were dead.

Yuta looked up at them and bowed slowly.

"I'm sorry for causing you all trouble, I'll be leaving now. I'll try not to get in your lives ever again. Goodbye."

With that, he walked past them all towards the front door to leave. He gave them all a last nod before walking out the door, small tears escaping his eyes.

The ten mafia members were still processing what happened inside the house.

A few minutes ago, Taeyong, Renjun and Mark were arguing with Johnny and Ten because they brought Yuta over.

Then they saw Yuta come downstairs looking completely and utterly defeated and just stared at him as he apologized for causing trouble.

Once he left, they all turned to look around at each other.

"I'll go check on him." Jeno said as he started up the stairs.

"What just happened?" Lucas asked as he sat down on a couch.

"That's what I'd like to know too." Jaehyun said as he sat next to Lucas.

"Wouldn't we all." Taeyong said as he walked off to his office.

Jeno knocked on Sicheng's door, hoping for a response. "Sicheng hyung? Are you in there?"

Sicheng lifted his head up and closed his eyes. "Yes Jeno, I'm here."

"Do you, you know, want to talk?" The younger boy continued, trying not to flip a wrong switch with his words.

"I'm fine. Just tell everyone to leave me alone for now please."

Jeno responded with a small "okay" and left, walking back downstairs to tell the others.

Sicheng ran his fingers through his hair messily once Jeno's footsteps faded away.

"At least it's over now." He sighed as he leaned his head against the door, shutting his eyes.


Hey guys :) It's not really over yet for the book so don't get worried!

Tease & Kill | YuwinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora