Chapter XVII ~ ᛏ (Tiwaz) Part I - Demonized & Demoralized

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" Doesn't matter. I made a promise to my brothers & I intend to keep it.  "

" But -- "

" No ifs, no buts, no coconuts ~ "
One eye flung open for a scrutinizing glance in my direction.
" You do realize that Dwayne would literally break my neck if I gave in to even a single one of your 'buts'! "

" I wouldn't allow that to happen.  "

" And he wouldn't care, "
A playfully mischievous grin rolled over his face.
" You have yet not seen Dwayne's innermost temper at work.
I mean, outside of the bedroom. "

" Marko! " I pushed my fist into his shoulder.

" You know I'm right, " cue the cocky remark.
" No one does a better job at managing the jump from the calm gentle lamb into the bloodthirsty wolf at the mere snap of a finger than good ol' Dwayne.
Even David respects him, almost views him as an equal.
After all there's a reason why he made him his second-in-command.  "

The sound of David's name was something that, for some odd reason, I still couldn't bear to hear without having an avalanche of shivers run down my spine.
" If he thinks so highly of Dwayne then why is he giving him such a hard time? "

" What do you mean, 'a hard time' ? "

" Are you telling me you never noticed how disdainful David has grown towards Dwayne over the past few days? Can you not sense the tension between them whenever they're talking to one another or simply staying in the same room? "

" Oh, that, " he stated with a shrug, dropping back into the tree. " I wouldn't worry about it. This is just David being envious of yours & Dwayne's relationship, that's all. "

I blinked when a single sunbeam found its way through a crack in the dome of leaves & branches above only to shine right in my face.
" So... you know that he... "

" That he wants you for himself? Yup. In fact, we all do ~ "
He said that with such a graceful nonchalance that I almost forgot how serious the matter actually was.
" It's hard not to notice. We get to peek into each other's heads far more often than we really want to, if you remember... "

" I do... " 
It was the perhaps strangest thing of all, knowing that none of the vampires could ever experience true privacy where it was most desired: in one's very own mind.
" Maybe if I had that ability,  it would be easier for me to trust David. But the way things are right now I don't think I can willingly go there... "

" You don't trust David? ", Marko inquired, an ounce of astonishment in his voice.

I continued to watch the swaying branches & flapping leaves above, some departing against their will as the cold wind took hold of them & slung them towards the earth to rot.
" I don't. Not entirely...
Although I feel like I should. After all he saved my life... Twice. "

" That's weird, " he replied.
" I'd put my life on the line for him if the circumstances demanded it. No second thoughts there! "

" You know him better than I do. Longer than I do. He's your leader. Of course your loyalty is with him.  "

" So does Dwayne... & yet his trust is dwindling away.  "
A tingle in the back of my neck told me that Marko had planted his eyes on me, however I refused to turn around.
" I sense so much hate & resentment in him, I sometimes struggle not to let his emotions affect my own...
And trust me, that's anything but easy. Because since I'm only a half, Dwayne is much stronger than me, his thoughts & his emotions far more obtrusive than mine.
I can't protect myself from either. Whatever he feels, I feel too... But twice as intense, if not more. "

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