Part 11

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"Who's Idea was this?" I currently was carrying a sick Smalls on my back with Alan leaning on my shoulder.

"Bertram" everyone says simultaneously

Bertram groans in frustration

"Way to be a tattletale guys" I chuckle a bit as we keep walking down the street.

"So Y/n, who was the boy you were with?" Alan asks from my side

"Chuck Scaito, his names actually Clarance though. Hes been a long time friend of mine and Jordans" everyone nods their head along to me talking

"Jeez, I keep forgeting your Phillips sister. Your WAY to nice" Squints says and everyone agrees with some sort of confirmation.

"Yeah I guess, it's a hard expectation. So where are we heading again? I'm not saying that Smalls is heavy but he isnt exactly light either" I say with a bit of an awkward smile

"I heard that." Smalls mumbles against my shoulder

"I wanted you too, keep up with the diolauge Scotty" he mumbles something I cant here but then stays silent

"We're heading the Hams house, the tree house house near the sandlot" Benny tells me.

"Ah, wont your guys parents be worried? It's pretty late." These boys all shrug not really caring

"We stay at Hams all the time. And I'm sure when we all 10 walk in through the house. I'm sure Mrs. Porter with call our parents, though you might be a bit of a problem" I roll my eyes

"No parents are home, though it might be a good idea to call Jordan. But he might not be happy that I'm here with you guys." We stop at the front door of the Porter house hold and knock on the door

The door opens to reveal Mr. Porter in a bath robe and a newspaper in his hand

"Hamilton, why are all your friends here so late?" He stared at all of us with bored expressions

"Well dear father we had an accident at the fair and our house was the closest" Ham explains in the politis voice he could

"Very well, come inside. Take your shoes off" he opens the door wider for us to walk through. Though when it comes to me he stops me with his hand.

"You dont look like you belong here, so why are you?" I gulp at he looks down at me over his glasses

"I-im a friend of the boys but I'm from Reseda Sir." (I dont think that's anywhere near where they are but it's where Johnny lives so)

"Alright then, no funny business with you though missy" I nod slightly showing I understand before asking.

"If it's not a bother Mr. Porter can I use your phone?" He looks over toward his kitchen before nodding.

"Thank you" I smile and continue my way into the house

"Your Welcome" he closes the door behind us

"Hey can one of you boys take these two?" I jerk my head towards the boy on my back and the one on my shoulder.

"I got them" Benny comes over and grabs Smalls before walking away with Alan.

"Thanks Benny" I start dialing the number of our house hold into the yellow landline

"Hello Phillip's household"

"Hey J."

"Y/n? Where are you calling from?"

"The Porters house..."

"Why are you at Porters-...?"

"We dont talk about that. I'll be home tomorrow, bye J"

"Wait Y/-"

I put the phone back down on its stand and walked towards the back door but not before a hand grabs my shoulder, it was Mr. Porter again

"Hes got a crush on you" I look up at him and he was looking forward

"Who does Ham?" I look forward towards the treehouse where the boys are yelling for multiple reasons

"No, that Rodriguez boy."

"I know..." he looks down at me for a moment and I look at him

"You know?" He raises an eyebrow

"Told me bout a month ago"

"And what did you say?" I look down at my socked feet

"I said he could never love me." he hums before looking back at them

"And why's that?"

"My brother hates him..."

"Why should that matter?"

"Hes the older twin, it's only common sense."

"If that's what you believe." With that he drops his hand from my shoulder and walks towards his couch.

I stare at him for a moment before smiling. He smiles back for he knows he struck something within me.

"Thank you Mr. Porter" I start to make my way back towards the door

"As to you Y/n." He looks back down at his newspaper before chuckling

I shake my head with a laugh and run out the door. I climb up the ladder to the treehouse and open the latch.

"What took you so long?" Scotty raises his head from the floor to look at me

"Oh nothing. You know how J gets" they all nod in agreement before going back to what they were doing

But me? I go and take a seat next to Benny. When I sit down he looks over at me and leans over

"What happened, did you tell your brother off or something?" He whispers in my ear. I shake my head and laugh a bit.

But I slowly and surely reach my hand towards Benny's, giving it into my grasp. From the corner of my eye I can see Benny smile a bit without it being obvious. He squeezes my hand before going back to talking to Alan.

I smile a bit with my head down as we continue holding hands.

This feels nice.

Thanks Mr. Porter....

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