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|Kim Wonpil|

"Hey, Wonpil have you heard about the red string?"

"The what now?" I asked as my bandmate, Younghyun rolled his eyes.

"The red string! It's like a myth that was proven to be real today!" I walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Okay? What's so special about it?" Younghyun rolled his eyes again and sat next to me, ready to give me a long explanation.

"Okay so starting tomorrow everyone who has met their soulmate will see a red string on their finger, It will be hard to find who your soulmate is because you will also see everyone else's strings. You'll have to untangle yourself and find your soulmate. HOWEVER! to make it easier as more and more people around you start to find their soulmates the strings fade, making it easier for everyone else!"

"So it's a game," I asked with an annoyed look on my face.

"Well sorta, but at least you'll find your soulmate and be happily in love!" Younghyun clapped his hands and giggled like a child. I smiled at his cuteness. Fuck I am so in love with him.

"But what if my soulmate doesn't like me or I already like someone?" Younghyun stopped clapping and frowned.

"You'll have to cut your string, separating both of you and you'll be incapable of loving anymore"

"Oh" was all I could say before Sungjin came out of his room. As an immediate reaction, I got up and walked to my room. I hated seeing Younghyun and Sungjin cuddle and make out in front of me. It hurt seeing that I'll never have a chance with Younghyun and now I had to worry about the stupid red string that connected me to my soulmate. I sighed loudly, laying down on my bed. My face in my fluffy pillows and the mess of blankets around me.

Then the door squeaked open revealing Jae.
"Piri? Are you okay?" I looked up at Jae, another one of my bandmates and the only member I loved even more than Younghyun.

"Y-yeah, Oh uh have you heard of the red string myth?" Jae nodded and sat next to me on my bed.

"Yeah, Younghyun told me about"

"Who do you think your soulmate is?" I asked, sitting up. Jae hesitated for a second, I knew he wouldn't tell me and make up some lie, but it didn't hurt to ask.


wait what?

Did I hear that correctly?

"W-wh-what?" I saw the panic in Jae's eyes and quickly reassured him.

"I m-mean w-why?"

"Well, I-" Before Jae could finish Dowoon busted through the door and started yelling.
"GUYS, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS STRING ON MY FINGER? IT WON'T COME OFF!" Jae and I looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Did Younghyun not tell you about it?" I managed to say apart from my laughs.

"Wasn't it supposed to appear tomorrow? Jae asked. I shrugged while Dowoon shook his head and asked over and over what the red string was. I made a space between Jae and me for Dowoon to sit.

"On the other side of that string is your soulmate or whatever. Go follow it and find your soulmate." Jae explained, patting Dowoon's back.

"But I can see your strings too and they're all tangled up. How am I supposed to untangle them?" Dowoon whined. He started pulling the string, which Jae and I couldn't see at the time making it look like he was pulling air. We laughed while Dowoon kicked the bed, hurting his foot.

"Well I don't know but you better start tomorrow, it's 11 p.m already," I said. "It won't kill me in my sleep right?" "No of course not," I said. He stood up and left, Jae following shortly after to take a shower, leaving me all alone with my thoughts.

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