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It was February 10th. There were no rain clouds in the sky and it was the right amount of cold to go outside. A perfect day to be outside and have a picnic. Which was what the popular band, Stray kids, was doing. Except for their vocalist, Jeongin.

He told his members he would be very busy today, as he'd planned to sing a cover and upload it to their YouTube channel. Which was a huge lie, he just wanted to have some alone time without his nosy members. Don't get him wrong he loved all of them but when Felix and Jisung started playing video games, all you could hear were the loud screeches and game controller throwing. Then Changbin would start yelling at them which led to Bang Chan starting to yell at Changbin and it would soon be pure chaos.

Now that he was finally alone he would also open the birthday presents he left scattered on his floor for two days. His band had been busy so he never had time to open them or thank his fans, family, or friends.

Jeongin rolled off his bed with a blanket wrapped around his body. He wasn't asleep, he was just... resting his eyes! But he was rocking that I-just-rose-from-the-dead look.

His hair was like a bird's nest all tangled up in knots. His clothes were wrinkled and his eyes droopy and exhausted.

Did he care? No, he was home alone no one was going to tell him to take a shower or brush his hair. Jeongin just simply washed his face and brushed his teeth.

Now it was present opening time! But before starting he started playing Day6. He was streaming their new single, The book of us, Negentropy; Swallowed up in love. Now he was ready!

Jeongin ripped open present after present getting excited at every little thing. He got letters, clothes, stuffed animals but his favorite was the white puppy with a pastel blue ribbon around its neck.

He dug around for a letter or a name to indicate who it was from but there wasn't one and instead, he found a pink heart-shaped box.

He ran his fingers through his hair as he admired the beautiful box. He opened it and a delicious smell wafted under his nose. A white piece of paper fell onto his lap. It read 'Special cookies eat only 1 a day.'

There was something else written on the bottom but it was smudged, no matter how hard Jeongin tried to read it he couldn't, it only ended up hurting his eyes.

"Jeongin could you let me in?" He recognized that voice immediately.

"Hold on. I'm coming" Jeongin quickly shoved everything under his bed except for the cookie box he left on his bed.

"Why aren't you with the rest of the group?" He questioned as he let Seungmin in.

"I could ask you the same thing"

"You know I'm busy!" Jeongin yelled a little louder than he expected. Seungmin made his way to Jeongin's bed.

"Busy doing what? Eating cookies?" Seungmin picked up the pink box of cookies.

"Can I eat one?" Jeongin hesitated for a second remembering what the paper said.

"Sure... but only one!"

"Okay, I already had lunch anyway, Also you should change" Jeongin rolled his eyes but obeyed the elder.

It took me about 30 minutes to pick out an outfit for today. I wanted to look good for Seungmin since ... I may or may not like him.

No one knows besides my stuffed pig, Puffy. He is named after Captain Puffy, one of my favorite streamers.

I'm feeling brave today and I will probably tell him how I feel. I would be stupid not to do it now, I mean we are alone together! Which will never happen ever again.

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