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I want you back.

Felix closed his notebook and headed downstairs, making sure not to forget his silver necklace.

"Hey Minho"

"Oh hey Felix, how are you holding up?"

Felix looked down at his feet, playing with his hands.

"I'm fine, it's just hard." Tears rolled down his puffy freckled cheeks.

"I know it is but Changbin would have wanted you to move on, he would have wanted you to live your best life. He would have wanted you to keep chasing your dreams." "Remember the last words he said to you before he left?"

"It's been four years Minho! four fucking years he's never coming back!" Felix started crying uncontrollably on the living room floor. Minho rushed over to him trying to comfort him.

"It's okay Felix, he promised he'll come back, I know it's been a long time but if you still remember him that means there's a chance he remembers you too! He loved you so much. Come on get up let's go somewhere else to take your mind off him"

Felix weakly smiled and whispered a small thank you.

The café door jingled as it opened.

"Go sit over there and I'll order."

Felix nodded and walked towards the table. As he sat down his eyes wandered outside.
It was a beautiful fall day, the red, orange & yellow leaves dancing in the wind. The smell of pumpkin spice in the air.

Felix hated it.

He hated that it all reminded him of Changbin. Changbin loved the fall, he would jump in big leaf piles that he and Felix would rake. He loved the smell of pumpkin spice, however, he said anything pumpkin spice flavored tasted gross.

Felix could feel the familiar sting in his eyes, tears slowly falling shortly after.

"Felix I got you your favorite drink!" Minho said as he walked over to Felix.

"Thanks" He whispered, barely audible. Minho sighed

"Felix look at me." Felix looked up, his eyes watery and tears running down his cheeks. Minho looked down at his hands.

"I know you miss him and I'm sure he misses you too, but I want you to move on. You can't cry over him any longer."

"I'm trying Minho, it's just this week has been harder" Minho placed his hands on Felix's.

"I know 4 years ago today was the last time you saw him right?" Felix nodded and removed his hands from Minho's.

"Drink this and we'll go to Jisung & Chan's house. How does that sound?" Felix smiled brightly at that idea.

"It sounds perfect! Also, when are you going to stop being a chicken and ask Jisung out?" Felix asked, laughing slightly.

"S-Shut up! He probably doesn't even like me." Felix stood up in shock.

"Are you that fucking blind? Who are you Adrian Agreste?! He talks about you non-stop, always saying 'Oh Minho this Minho that' He's so in love with you!"

Minho's cheeks were redder than cherries.

"F-Felix s-sit down people are s-staring"

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