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"Jisung, come over here, I need to speak with you," Jisung got up from his seat trudging towards his teacher's desk.

"I've been noticing your grades have been decreasing this semester. Why is that?

Jisung sighed. Not this shit again. He thought. "I've just been very busy these past few weeks but I promise I will raise them again" His teacher shook his head.

"Jisung I get it this last high school semester gets tough and if you are busy I think it's best if I get you a tutor." Jisung shook his head.

"No No Mr. Min, I'm fine I don't need anyone!" "Well this isn't your choice Jisung plus I already got your tutor ready, he's in the library." Jisung rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Okay thanks," Mr. Min nodded, meaning Jisung could leave.

Jisung's day couldn't have gotten any worse. He already had a lot of homework to do, he had to rap his part for his group, 3racha's, new song and now he has a tutoring session.

Jisung called one of his group members, Changbin, and told him he won't be able to make it to practice today.

He should've known that Changbin would be glad that Jisung wasn't able to make it so he could go hang out with his boyfriend, Felix. Jisung sighed once more before walking into the library.

"Hello! How may I help you today?" The librarian asked. "I'm here to look for my tutor. Have you seen anyone walk in?"

"Ah, yes He should be in the back"

"Thank you". The librarian gave him a warm smile before she went back to organizing books.

Jisung walked to the back of the library and spotted a boy reading a huge book. Jisung was amazed by the boy's visuals.

The mysterious boy had fluffy—looking brown hair, round silver glasses, dangling earrings and his outfit concluded with a brown sweater vest, a dress shirt underneath, and black jeans.

"Hey I'm Jisung I'm here for my tutoring session or whatever." Jisung introduced himself, extending his hand.

The boy eyed Jisung up and down before saying "Okay cool, I'm Minho" Jisung put his hand behind his back embarrassed that the boy, Minho, had not shaken it.

"Well are you going to keep standing there or are we going to start working?" "Oh right sorry." Jisung took a seat across from Minho and took out his math book.

After two hours of Minho lecturing Jisung, they were finally done. It took Minho a while to open up to Jisung but once he did, Jisung fell in love with Minho.

He might have just met the boy but he felt a strong connection towards him. He didn't say anything and instead asked Minho if he was up for a second tutoring session or just a normal hangout.

"Um, If you show me what you've learned then sure I'll hang out with you" Jisung smiled and nodded.

Now Jisung's one goal was to show Minho that he understood math. With Minho's help, he figured it would be a piece of cake.

"Oh wait before you leave could I get your number?" Minho turned around with a strange expression on his face.

"Yeah sure, I'll give my number to someone I just met" "Oh come on I'm not an ax murder I swear!" Minho giggled.

"Alright, alright I'll give it to you so stop whining" Jisung squealed. Once they exchanged numbers they parted ways each heading to their own homes.

|Session 6|

"Minho! I'm here!" Minho looked up from his book smiling at Jisung.

"Hey Jisungie, do you want to start working right away or just hang out?" Jisung sighed, "Let's start working because I have to meet up with my members later on to produce our new song."

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