A New Perspective (Re-Written)

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Aryes felt more happy, the world even looked more colorful, the flowers in the office had a brighter green and a warmer red then he had originally seen before.
What the fuck was going on.

Carson was also a bit confused about this emotion.
He had been out of the relationship from his personal view for two years because of the abuse and neglect.
So he was kinda scared but also excited from these new emotions.

But both of them secretly held immediate attraction but they knew it was way to early to tell.


Aryes smiled a bit because of these feelings, being lost in his own thoughts as he just stared at the plant, loving the new and bright colors.
And Aryes was smiling for the first time in a long time might I add, making Carson become a bit flustered and his cheeks turning a bit pink at the bittersweet smile because it was.. Cute.

Aryes had to very quickly snap himself out of this bittersweet daydream, and sighed a bit.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel amazing actually, better then when I was 19 that's for sure."

"That's good, if you have anymore questions or concerns, feel free to contact me and I'll see if I can help."

"Thank you, and I know we just met and all but you seem really fun, and I'm kinda new to the area so I need more friends.
What's your number if that's alright to ask?"

"Oh! It's __-___-___"

"Ok I have it in my phone, I got you fam."

Carson tried to be funny and it worked a bit, making Aryes chuckle from the cringe that came along.

"..Have a nice day alright?"

"You too, I hope you enjoy your day a lot more then I'll enjoy mine."

About 5 months later.

Carson was excited for today, he had grown a lot of feelings for Aryes and today they got to have some coffee at the local coffee shop that he worked at.
He had never been this nervous before..
Not even like this in the beginning of his relationship with Alpha.

Meanwhile Aryes was having trouble with trying to make conversation with himself in the mirror.
He couldn't just open up, and say all the horrible things that have happened to him.
He couldn't just tell Carson he liked him, what the fuck is he supposed to do?

The two got ready, and bolted out of their homes, running into each other on the street.

"Oh- Oh my god hi!"

"Oh- Hi-"

Carson was in a nice but somewhat revealing dress.
It excited but angered Aryes because he loved seeing Carson like this but he knew everyone else had to see him too..

Carson was his and his only, he would make sure of that.

Meanwhile Carson was awestruck, seeing Aryes like this just made his cheeks become flushed with a heavy red, and his ears poofed out.

"Oh- Oh shit!"

".. You're a hybrid?"

"... Y-Yeah.. Sorry."

"No, I.. I think you look beautiful either way."

The two made eye contact with each other and it just felt right, until they both just looked away because of being full of nerves.

Aryes X Carson BLM Story (100% Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now