

March, the second spring after their marriage.

The soft hushes of air whispers a lullaby and the furry of colors shimmies with the gentle waltz.

It's the season of life.

But Jeongguk feel otherwise. He feels the dread deep within his veins—the rage as he takes in each of his lover's words spitting the blame back to him.

It's the season of life but Jeongguk feels life slipping from his fingertips.

Hell, he's losing his life and it fears him downright.

"Well maybe if you weren't too busy 'helping' your colleague out with whatever personal problem he has and actually go home since you seem to forget that you do have a house to come back to and a husband waiting for you then yeah maybe, maybe you'd know what the hell is going on!!!"

"And? Does that explains the reason why you were going somewhere every fucking day behind my back??? And don't twist the situation Taehyung, you know damn well that I was just trying to fucking help!"

More stupid words were exchanged between the couple, both determined in justifying their own selfish, unreasonable excuses but neither of them are ready to back down yet.

"OH WOW! How fortunate of him to get such help from you! Well should I apply in your company too?? Maybe your help and attention requires being your colleague so what, should I apply allready?!!"

"Fucking hell Taehyung, can you stop?!! Why are you being like this huh??? What the hell is wrong with yo—"


The ticking of time lapsed in nerve.
Jeongguk was in trance but the live horror visibly flashes through his dull irises and the trembling of his lips are given to heed.

His feet kept him in the same place; arms stretched out in hopes to reach his beloved whose frail figure slumped down on the floor.

Jeongguk cries. He cries and it croons with Taehyung's in a perfect rhythm.

Hearts sang a sad song through those seconds and soon, they were no longer heard for whose screams had them replaced.

The air was thick with fear as Jeongguk helplessly watched his hyungs carry his unconscious husband out, pulling him along while his face drain color with the sound of the siren filling his ears.

"Please stay here sir, the patient is losing too much blood. We might lose the baby."

Jeongguk thought he had gotten numb the moment he had thought of how much he must have hurted Taehyung but he hadn't.

He welcomed the pain until his heart had completely bled itself dry; until—he had given himself up and fell into unconsciousness


Till the moment I woke up to hushed cries, my mind remained unfocused.
It was way too fast. I couldn't get the thought that I was too late. Until then, I breathed pathetically.

I watched the world crumble down before my eyes.

My world.


It was the season of life and rebirth,

we lost a life that spring.


Taehyung huffed for the nth time today, trying to push his husband off only for the latter to tighten his hold on him.

"Jeongguk! At least let me slice the melon in peace!"

"NO, don't leave me!!!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes—either in annoyance or because he had been squeezing the shit out of him with his bulky arms.

It's hot but he can't breathe, literally.


"To sleep and NOT watch the sad series again and again"

"Hmm, and who decided not to listen??"

".. me" Jeongguk answered dejectedly, lips formed into a sad pout.

Taehyung sighs, knowing he can't even get mad at his huge baby. Not even when his tummy is hurting like hell now since they haven't eaten anything from when they woke up with Jeongguk wailing and clinging onto him for dear life.

"m sorry Taehyungie hyungie hyung, I just can't get the nightmare out of my head. I can't ever lose you or our soon-to-be-born babie—" apologized the younger, few soft hiccups interrupting his words in between.

Taehyung, on the other hand, softened a little more and with utmost care and tenderness, he caressed Jeongguk's tear damped cheeks and planted a small kiss atop of his upper lip.

"You know what Ggukie, do you remember what really happened that spring during my pregnancy?"

"We fought, like in the dream."

Jeongguk's thin lips trembled so Tae hurried to speak according to his plan.

"Silly Ggukie, what did we fought about though huh?"

Jeongguk bit his lip before giggling "you were mad at me for eating your jelly beans for lunch!"

The both of them erupted into fit of giggles, their hearts now feeling much lighter.

"It was summer when we met.. then it was during autumn when we I found out how whipped I've become for you~ /giggles/ "

It was winter when we confessed.

Spring, when you asked me to be yours and I said yes. It was during spring when we got married. Spring, when we had Taejun.."

Jeongguk held Taehyung closer, their chest pressed together as he whispers, "And today, my love, is spring.

And I still love you.

I will, until the next barren season; when the leaves brighten a thousand times more and they fall. Until the next winter, I'll love you even more—my bear"

And they both felt it. The love oozing from deep within them, raw. Having each bit fragment, sadness, doubt, brokenness vanquished—healed.

Love truly is beautiful. Simply, strongly beautiful.

𝑻𝒂𝒆𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now