"You wanted to see..." Serenity looked around the room, and her eyes widened. "C-can I have a minute alone with Malik please?" They both looked at each other, and nodded.

Once they were out the room I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Out of all of the times she could've came back she chose now? Why now Tater Tot? I can't deal with this." She walked over to me, and hugged me.

*** FlashBack ***

"I'm leaving you C," I heard my mama tell my daddy. I was only nine years old, but I remember it like it was yesterday.

"Why you wanna leave Sharon? The kids will miss you. Hell Myaa might not even remember anything about you if you leave. Why you wanna do this?" I heard my pops ask her.

"I didn't ask for this life. You trapped me. You knew I didn't want kids. Yet here I am with two kids. I'm too good for you. You don't deserve me." I ran into the living room.

"If you don't ever come back. What the kids at school say about you is true. You're not my mama." I said as the anger took over me.

"Malik's right. If you leave don't come back."

***END OF FB****

That was seven years ago. I don't need a mama. Hell my mother figure was my aunt, and still is. Fuck Sharon bruh.

"Tater Tot can you take me to Aunt Lynn house?" She nodded her head.

"Wait I didn't drive. I rode with . . .," she paused. I let out a long sigh.

"You rode with Sean? Look I don't care if y'all together or not, but don't forget where your heart is. No matter what we go through I'll always love you. I know I done put you through a lot of bullshit, and I'm sorry. Lord knows I am. However, I'm not gone front and say I wish you the best, cause I don't." She just stared at me.

"Now isn't the time to talk about this. I already have a lot of shit on my mind," she stated.

Nodding my head I hopped to the double doors. I decided to go sit on the bleachers at the basketball court. There wasn't a single soul out here. Class ends in thirty minutes. "Come talk to me." Serenity nodded her head and helped me to the bleachers.

"What is there to talk about?" She asked me as she sat beside me. I couldn't help but to stare at the tattoo on my pinky.

"What happened to infinity and beyond? I thought we were meant to be. Maybe I was wrong. Deep down I know you're mines. You're just having a lil moment. You're only with Sean to take your mind off of me. It's ok though. I fucked up. Hell if we don't never get back together then I know it's my fault. Just-just don't forget about me. Ok?"

I'm vulnerable. My heart isn't whole anymore. I'm not complete without her. She was/is my missing puzzle piece. I had to fuck things up.

"I know where my heart was, but things change. You hurt me so much pooh. It's like I'm numb to the pain. I just want to be loved, but that will never happen. We were friends before we were going together. I'll always be your best friend. However, I don't know if you have my heart anymore." Speechless.

"I don't think you understand me though. What's life without you? Lonely. I'm mr. Lonely. I have nobody to call my own. Stop playing girl and c'mon home," she started laughing.

"I'm serious though Tater Tot. Just think on it. You can go back to class." She nodded.

"Hey! If you need me I'm just a call away. Bye Pooh." My heart skipped a beat.

"Don't say bye. I'll see you later," she nodded and walked into the building. I knew we would never be together again. That's the part that killed me the most.

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