Chapter I

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In the alleyway, I can stretch my arms out and touch the houses on both sides. The walls were built so close, yet so long ago. Every building in this entire city has its own story to be told. The laughter of on walking adults echoes off the walls with no rhythm.

My presence disturbed the alleyway's usual quietness, stray cats hissed and rodents would scurry at the sight of me. Tonight is a chilly night, the frosty air sinks into my bare skin. Clothes and warmth were two things that I currently lacked. Anyone could feel it in the air. Winter was coming, just around the corner.

The street bustled with a marriage of sounds, from car horns blaring to late-night chattering. Everything on that street had some relevant importance, those in the alleyways belonged in the dark.

Alleyways are spooky and dark, perceived as empty spaces with no real importance, except for wasted space in between tall buildings. Here I am, more than likely, about to die of hypothermia due to a stupid mistake I caused myself.

My hands tremble, even when they are tucked between my thighs. The thin clothes that I currently wear were damp from the sudden night storm. My slim arms are wrapped around my jutted-up knees, hoping to keep in any sort of fleeting warmth that my body has left. It's oddly funny how I came into this world warm, warmth that was meant to be shared with others, yet I might just leave it numb and alone. The rats and cats might just decide to eat my rotting body, starving for anything that calms their aching stomach.

I lean against the wet brick wall behind my head and stare up at the murky sky. What a beautiful sight it would have been if pollution didn't cover the night sky in a blanket of light grey. I can only imagine the beautiful moon illuminating down onto the street. The stars would shine like sugar spilled over black marble.

I couldn't help double over when a violent cough racked through my body. The cough that once started as something minor only grew more brutal with every passing day. My eyes fell over to a young lady looking into the alleyway, eyes searching for the noise. When her curious eyes land on me, her lips curl into a scowl as she recoils to disappear into the security of the crowd.

Sometimes I would hope that someone might truly pity me for once and reach out to help me. One thing frightened me though. From stories on the streets, every now and then gossip of a dead homeless man would reach my ears, and it terrified me that one day it might happen to me. I searched my mind for a joyful memory or something to erase the thought of someone finding my half-eaten body.

Nothing was found, no happy memories to help me get through the last few moments I have left to live. Every memory was attached to a plague of bad ones. Many say that you can't die of a broken heart, but isn't that what happens when you have no love?

I lean my right cheek on my bony knees, my eyes surveying over every passing individual or group. I could feel my eyelids growing heavy with every passing second. I didn't want to die right now. It doesn't feel like my moment, as if maybe something might just happen to take me away from this nightmare. I want to cling to that one string of hope still left in me. I will.

Grasping that hope, I push myself to my legs and stumble towards the entrance of the alleyway. I probably looked like a drunkard right now, with how uncoordinated my moments would make out to be, but I didn't care. I needed to reach the end, get somewhere, or do something even if I die. My world spun and I could feel my body collide with the wall, but I pushed myself off with the little strength I had left and continued to push myself towards the opening.

I don't want to die!

I make it, but my body begins to fall. I made it. Darkness overlaps my dull vision, and with that, I fall peacefully into the endless darkness.

(Extremely short first chapter but it definitely longer the next few chapters) 

And Then There Were Four [Poly] [MxB+]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora