wet dreams 🍋🍋🍋🍋

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NOTE: I TAKE REQUESTS!!! Anyways heres some good ol smut for yall. HAVE FUN.

Y/n shot up from the bed in a cold sweat. Her thighs rubbed together.  Not again. She thought. Almost every night she would wake up from dreams of a silvered haired, green eyed, devilishly hot chief. Her dreams mainly consisted of Lin fucking y/n in different places. She got up from her bed to go to the kitchen to grab water. The only thing that made these dreams worse, is that Lin was in the same house as her. The two were staying in the same house on ember island for the team avatar get away. It was two people per house, and their kids if they had any.

Y/n filled her cup with ice and water. Chugging it before slamming it into the counter, her breath still shaky and her body still covered in sweat. The water did nothing to cool her off. Lin walked in the kitchen and saw the girl, who was dressed in a grey silk night gown. The gown was loose but hugged her curves at the same time. Lin examined the girl carefully, before noticing her somewhat frantic state.

"Is everything alright?" The earth bender questioned

"What? Oh uh nothing. Everything's fine, just a bad dream I guess." The girl tensed. Lin noticed how she pressed her thighs together, and couldn't help but wonder.

The Chief made her way over to Y/n

"Are you sure? You seem a little frantic y/n" Lin stopped a few feet away from the girl.

"Nothing. Its nothing Im fine." Y/n leaned on the counter, elbows locked, arms straight and her head down. She tried her best to even out her breathing, but when the cause behind your dreams was standing a few feet away from you. It was hard.

Lin felt your heart beat through the stone floors. She took notice of how it sped up when she walked closer to you, or when she spoke. It suddenly hit her. The sweat, your thighs pressed together, heavy breathing, heart beat. You were painfully aroused right now, and it was because of Lin. Lin had guessed The "bad dream" you supposedly had was a wet dream. The chief walked until she was behind you, she put both hands on the counter, trapping you. She leaned down until she was level with your ear.

"sure about that y/n?" Her voice husky and low. She purposely pressed herself into you, causing you to tense at the feeling of her. "Tell me.....what was that dream about?"

"I-....it was nothing." You gulped. It took everything not to turn around and have her fuck you right there.

"You're lying y/n~" Lin kept her voice low, a low tone that she knew messed with you.

"Fuck." You cursed under your breath, letting out air you didn't realize you had held.

"Is that what you want to do?" Lin pressed a kiss to your shoulder, running her nose along the side of your neck.

You bit back a whimper. Pressing your thighs together tighter.

"its okay. Tell me what you want~" she continued to tease you with kisses on your shoulder, neck, and small caresses on your arms, down your back, and your shoulders.

Her touch sent shivers down your spine. You tilted your head up as she kissed your shoulder again. You brought your head down and looked to the side, looking at her. She was inches away from your face. She leaned in but stopped just before kissing you, her piercing green eyes staring into yours. One of her hands wrapped around your waist, the other pinning your other hand down. You closed the space between you two, kissing her sweetly, slowly, but still making your hunger known. She returned in kind. You pulled away for air and she took the opening to kiss up and down your neck, nipping and biting here and there. A moan escaped you, and you could feel Lin smirking.

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