CHAPTER 10: The Temperature of Rage

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Dabi's POV;

My blood begins to boil as my sight turns red with rage. Flames spark off my body but soon subsides when Toga gives me the compound address for the hero comision's camp where hawks was placed at as a child. Once there we started searching everywhere until one of twice's copies found him.

Hawk's POV:

My body moves with his evry movement as my mind tries to  block out the pain and trauma. Only to quickly be pulled out of thought when his fingers touch my back and trace down my spine.

"Remember the last time I had to discipline you like this? It was when you begged to get an outside job to seem more normal in the public eye. We only told you no because it would take up time and energy away from your hero work. Yet you still went behind our backs and got that modeling job anyway."

He begins to stroke the base of my wings causing me to shiver involuntarily. I began to mutter softly.


"That was the first time you fought back. Little did you know we had already told the media about your scars and bruises were from villain fights. They believed us without question and you were aware then just how much control we have over you.  So why now have you tried again? Was it for others to help you, or was it a attempt to die?"

"Please stop."

"What's that pretty bird? I couldn't hear you."

^no one is coming to save me. So I might aswell just end it right here right now-^


He quickly pulls out of me and gets dressed. All awhile dressing me back and looking at the cameras for what made that sound.

"Why is the league of villains here? No matter, this won't take long. Don'tgo anywhere heheheh!"

I hear his chains pull him up to the shadows of the rafters and out of the light.

^what is he- oh shit.^

Dabi's POV:

I began to burn all the buildings hawks wasn't in until we found him. Once twice told us where he was. I run over as fast as I could. Once the first door was kicked down. I heard hawks scream out.


When I melted the second door. There was hawks chained up over a pool with a stronger one around his throat as he struggles to breathe. That's when I heard the keeper's voice echo in the massive room. Yet he was no where in sight.

"So dabi~ or should I say  touya todoroki. Looks like our plan failed all those years ago. I can't believe enji failed in the mission we had for you. Oh well doesn't matter now. What matters is I continue where he couldn't. Hawks if you survive this. I'll reward you when you return home to me again."

^what did he mean by-^" wait no Don't!"

Hawks smiles as everything goes silent once the chains are cut. Hawks free falls 8nto the pool as all chains break away from him. Leaving him free to swim. However he's not coming up for air as his wings are weighing him down.

"Release your feathers now!"

"He can't with our quirk paralyzing patch on him. Better hurry and save him heheh!"

"Grr you fucking basterd."

I go to run in after hawks but I'm stopped by an attack. Chains try to wrap around me but I incinerate them with my flames. As I get in the pool. The salt water begins to sting as I swim down to him.

^Don't you dare die on me before I can tell you how much i-^

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