CHAPTER 6: The Keeper

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3rd person POV:

A dark male silhouette unlocks a solid metal cell door. Only to find chains clean cut through and a missing man. The boards and bars over the only window in the room were also cut. The figure picks up the only piece of the escapey. A single broken red feather of one pro hero Hawks. The figure lightly rubs the feather before lashing out. Chain whips from his hands broke everything they hit as the male's rage boiled over. He soon calms down and takes a deep breath in.

"You'll be back, and when I have you again. I'll be sure to clip those wings until you're needed as a hero. After all, pretty birds aren't supposed to leave their cage."

He looked around and saw that hawks had taken his phone with him.  So he smiles with a devilish grin.

"On second thought I'll come to you."

The moment hawks phone came online again.  The chain manipulating quirk user gets a text with the location. So he calls hawks, only to leave a message.

"Hey you've reached the number two hero hawks phone. Sorry I wasn't able to answer in time. Either I had to take out the trash or my favorite fried chicken place was having a special. Please leave a message and a call back number. Thanks for calling, and have a plus ultra day"


"Oooh pretty birrrrd! Hope you've had your fun, because it's time to come home."

He hangs up and stretches before grabbing what looks to be a sticker patch, a cloth rag, chloroform, and a mirror. Afterwards he walks to Dabi's place. Only to stop and hide across the street when he spots the nomu sitting on the roof.

"You gotta come out some time. The longer you take, the more conditioning I'll have to treat you to, and for hanging arounda villain. This one's gonna be more then you could imagine."

He waits hours until the door opens. First one to leave is a person fully clothed with a hoodie to hide his face. The second person is fully clothed aswell but has a hat on instead of a hoodie. The male waiting recognizes the blonde hair of the one with the hat..

^There you are. I don't know who you're with. So I'll follow until you are alone. Good thing you don't have those pesky wings right now. Makes this a lot easier on us both.^

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