CHAPTER 2: Weak Hero

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Dabi's POV:

As I'm walking to the apartment the league gave me. I see something bright red beside the trash bins in the alley. To my surprise it was hawks curled up into a ball and soaked to the bone from the rain. He looks up at me with a pitiful look in his eyes. His wings go limp as he spreads them out slowly. Revealing his injuries. Multiple cuts and bruises cover him from head to toe.

"Poor birdman, if only Shigaraki had found you first. He's the one that does mercy killings not me."

I go to walk away, but suddenly my pants leg gets a soft tug as a turned around to leave.

With his head down and hand trembling. He had gently pinched the fabric.

"You got a death wish? Let go right now. "

In a low raspy voice he says.

"Please.... Touya."

My flames flair out with anger of hearing that name.

"What was that hero? I didn't catch what you said."

I point the palm of my right hand over his head and charge up to blast him away. Only for hawks to let me go and collapse to the ground.

"Oh hell no. You're coming with me because I want answers on how you know that name."

I place hawks on my back and head for my appointment. Where I preceeded to restrain the weakened hero for my own safety. His wings bound with chains as limbs bound with leather bondage cuffs since it was all I had on hand. Shigaraki soon knocks on the front door. So I let him in.

"You were late again dabi."

"Yeah something came up that I had to address first. "

"What was so important that you would miss out on a meeting about our next attack?"

I signal Shigaraki to follow me to the back room.  That's where I showed him hawks.

"Oh, that's a good reason for missing out. Did you do this to him?"

"I found him injured and passed out. So I brought him here to see what he knew about us."

Shigaraki begins to get lost in thought for a moment.

"So what should we do with him?"

Shigaraki sighs before saying.

"Just keep an eye on him until I can figure out how he'll be beneficial to our plans."


Shigaraki begins to walk out of the room as hawks wakes up.

"Maybe we could use him as a nomu, or sell him back to the hero comision for ransom or something."

Shigaraki leaves my place. As I go back to where hawks is. I see that he's conscious and shaking like a leaf.

"Morning birdbrain, sleep well?"

His eyes widen at the sight of me. Only for him to soon relax and show no signs of resistance.

"Let's talk hero, just you and me."

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