1 - Three Days

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Sadies POV

"Sadie!" an all too familiar voice rang.

'So what if I was just a painter?' my iPod roared from next to me, leaving me in two worlds; reality, and my dreams.

"Sadie, get up! You have to pick up Sierra!!" my dad whisper-yelled over the voice of an angel.

'Painting houses on the rich blue coast.'

"Sadie!" my dad lightly shook my shoulder.

'Would you ever try to leave me, for somebody who deserves you most?'

"Oh, I won't ever leave you. You know, if I actually had you." I thought to myself.

"Sadie," my dad called once more.

"Naaamgoaangguh!" I yelled into my pillow.

'I'm gonna make a million dollars, 'cause nobody's gonna steal you, no.'


"I'M GOING!" I shouted, cutting my dad off.

'For diamonds and gold. For diamonds and gold.'

"There we go." he smiled and walked out of my room, shutting the door behind him.

''Cause I've broken bones for you, and for you only!'

My hand stretched over to the drawer next to my bed for my phone. 7:09. Sierra lands at 10:30.

'Give me your heart and your hand and we can run! We can run, we can run, baby run now! We can run, baby run!' the angelic screams flooded my brain.

I swung my legs over the edge of my bed and got up, carrying my iPod

with me to my closet. I grabbed my neon pink tank top that was ripped from the back and had black lace underneath it. I also grabbed my shorts and undergarments.

I waltzed into my bathroom and locked the door behind me. After

grabbing a clean towel from under the sink, I turned on the water to heat up to my liking. As I stripped down, I paused the amazing voice singing and screaming from my iPod since I wouldn't be able to hear

anything despite having the volume on full blast. About forty minutes later, I got out and pushed play once again.

'I laid down. I drank the poison then I passed the fuck out.' Vic's amazing voice rang through my skull.

I changed into my clothes and untangled the mess that I call my hair.

'If it's the end of the world, you and me should spend the rest of it in love!'

I squirted some gel onto my palm and quickly meshed my hands together. I rubbed it all in my hair, which resulted in my hands looking like I had shoved them in brown cobwebs.

'If every living thing does alone, what am I doing here?'

I rinsed off my hands and grabbed my hairspray.

'A violin with no hands plays symphonies with no ends.' His voice is just so beautiful.

I blasted my whole head of brown, wacky wavy hair with, I don't know, probably half the can?

Anyway, I finished with my hair and bolted out the bathroom to get my Converse on my feet. I didn't bother to worry about my makeup. I mean,

I was only picking Sierra up from the airport, right? Who did I need

to impress? Absolutely no one!

'A diamond bullet and a gun made of gold. She was covered in blood,

last seen in San Francisco.' he yelped in the song.

I stared at the wall in front of me that took years to perfect.

Posters, pictures, drawings, and lyrics were plastered all over. There

was one lone shelf in the middle of it all with Arizona tea cans and

three slinkies. Oh yeah, I have this weird obsession with

slinkies..... And Arizona.... Also with Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With

Sirens, and Asking Alexandria.

Once I finally had my shoes on, I bolted out of my room and down the


"Oh fuck." I said to myself for forgetting something. I ran back into

my room an grabbed my Hello Kitty sunglasses.

Again, I rushed downstairs and headed for the pantry grabbing Reeses

Puffs. Then hitting the cabinet for a bowl, and finally stopping at

the fridge for some milk.

As I shoved the spoon in my mouth, I glanced at the stove. 8:24. I ate

the very little bit of cereal that I had served myself like I've never

had cereal in my entire life.

"Slow down there, kiddo." my dad walked into the kitchen. I slowed my


"Sooo, last night you said you wanted to tell me something?" I

swallowed what I was chewing and gulped down my milk.

"Yes, Sadie. Well, Warped starts in three days and there's one band

that I invited to stay here until then."

"Okay." I was used to this. A band would always crash here a couple

nights before Warped kicked off. "What band?" curiosity kills me.

"Oh, you'll find out who after you get back from the airport." What

the hell!? He always tells me!!

"Daaaaaddd!!!!" I whined, but sadly, he didn't budge.

"You'll see later! Oh, also, I'm leaving tonight to wrap up a few

things before tour starts. I'll see you back at the first Warped

before doors open."

"Alright. Wait, what!?"

"Sadie, you and Sierra are going on Warped. All of it, remember?" he

smiled, knowing that I'd always wanted to go on a full Warped since

forever, but he never allowed me to go.

"Ahhh!!" I screamed and attacked my dad, coming to realization. How in

the world could I have possibly forgotten!? I would always dream of

this summer coming true!

"So what are we gonna do on Warped?" I asked.

"I'll tell you both when you come back. Go get your sister!" He

pointed to front of the house. I sighed, hugged him, then grabbed my

car keys, and sprinted out the house.

Before pulling out of the driveway, I dug out my auxiliary cord from

the glovebox and connected my iPod to it. Yeah, I don't have an

iPhone, kill me now. I blared Selfish Machines and drove off to the



First chapter!! I love feedback, so give me some pleeeaaasee? :P

To the side is the first song; Million Dollar Houses by Pierce The Veil, of course :3 If you want the other songs, comment!

My Dad Founded Warped Tour (Vic Fuentes)Where stories live. Discover now