Requests Page

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Requests are currently Open

Hey guys! This is the request page for Rock Imagines and Preferences! Here I will list all requirements/limits I have in your requests.

To Send Me A Request:

You can:

-Post your request in the comments section

-Privately message (pm) me through the Wattpad inbox

I'll see it either way, but pm might be a little faster. 


So, about the requests. 

-I will usually let the requests flood in, but if I have too much I will close requests. 

-I will also close requests if I have enough, and I am trying to catch up with them.

My Limits:

-I will not write smut. I suck ass at it. Sorry.

-No underage topics

-Nothing inappropriate that relates to sexual assault/abuse

If I find that something you requested is inappropriate (by my standards), I will notify you about that, and tell you that I won't write it. I'm pretty versatile though, so if I find that one of your requests is a bit much for me, then I'll ask if you mind that I change a few things. I'll try to keep it as close to the original as possible while altering a few things, though. But, of course I will ask your permission. If you decline, then I just won't write the imagine/preference. Also, if you're not sure about something, just ask me. I really don't mind.

Requirements of a request:

1) On here you can request a lot of different things, as long as you notify me about it.


-You could ask me to write an imagine for you, and give me a gif as a prompt.

-You could give me a typed out prompt

-You could give me two words as a prompt

-It could be a picture

-You could ask me to write a two sentence horror story

Really, there are a lot of possibilities in what you can request. Those were just a few examples, but you could totally be creative. As long as you give me some sort of explanation, and make what you want clear. Just remember to follow the rules of a request, and please respect my limits.

2) Tell me if you want your request to be anonymous or not. 

Um...That's about it! Thank you!

I Remember You- Rock Oneshots, Imagines, Preferences etc.Where stories live. Discover now