Stone Gossard #1

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A/N: I'm back!!! Hey, Wattpad deleted all my shit a while ago, and I was so frustrated that I just didn't update. But I'm back now, and I'll be working on this book. Ugh, this imagine took so fucking long for me to make. I hope you enjoy.


-Domestic abuse

The details won't be very explicit, but the entire imagine implies this, so please don't read if you are sensitive to these types of things. 

Main character's name:


-This is one of my OC's.

Camilla's POV

As I bent down to pick up the notepad I dropped, the pain hit my back.

"Ow, Jesus Christ." I mumbled to myself. Pregnancy really does give me a hard time. It does all kinds of shit to me. My fucking back is always in pain nowadays. Oh well, I'm already seven months along. Not much longer to go! God, I can't WAIT to get this baby OUT. I was busy feeling sorry for myself, and my pregnant body when my favorite costumer walked in. I got up slowly, as fast as my body would let me, and waddled to the back counter to get a new pen. Normally pregnant women don't work in diners full time, especially at seven months. But I'm a special case. My asshole of a boyfriend drinks all day, and does God knows what in "our" house. Yeah, the house I pay full rent for! He's so fucking abusive, and hits me almost every day. He hasn't stopped even though it is visible that I'm pregnant. With HIS baby. He says he doesn't want it, that it's my fault, when we were BOTH drunk. I would never want to have sex with him while I'm sober. Sometimes he pressures me into doing it. I fake all my orgasms. He's such a stupid fuck that he falls for it every time. I'm too scared to leave him. Maybe one day I'll gather up the strength. I don't want my child to grow up with that "father". As far as this baby knows, their "father" provided the sperm, and that was IT. There was no love. 

A lone tear escapes my eye, and cascades down my face. The tear reminds me of my life. All alone.

 I was deep in my thoughts, rubbing my extended belly, as I noticed him walk in. Yay! Stone! Now he can help me around, and talk to me! This is always the best part of my day! Stone's known me since I started working here, before I got pregnant. It's been about a year since the first day we met. He's really sweet to me, and I enjoy being friends with him. I loved that he never tried to hit on me like all the other asshole guys that come around here. I mean, not anymore, because they see my stomach when I turn around and practically run. He also doesn't treat me like glass, since I'm pregnant. I mean, it's kind of funny when guys are overprotective like that, but sometimes it's just really annoying. But Stone, no. He still treats me like an equal (as I should be treated) while minding my pregnant body. I really appreciate it. But, anyway, Stone walked in. He sat in the corner by the window, just like he always does. I pranced over (waddled) as fast I could to him, eager to take his order, and enjoying that smile plastered on his face.

"Hey there! How's my favorite costumer?"

"Doin' great, as usual! Better now that I'm here!" Stone enthusiastically replied.

"Well, someone's happy today." I said as I pulled out my tiny notepad. "You havin' the usual today?"

"Yes please. With eggs and orange juice too please. Thank you Cam!"

"Oh, no problem. The pleasure is mine Mr. Gossard!" I giggled a little. 

I walked off to tell the kitchen staff what to make for Stone.

Stone's POV

Aw, she's so nice to me. I really meant it when I said that I was happier now that I'm here. I love being here. Cam's a really hard worker. Sometimes I try to convince her to sit down after a while, but she declines most of the time. Rarely has she ever sat down and relaxed. I sort of feel bad that she has to work through her entire pregnancy. Isn't that supposed to be something women enjoy? Hell, I'd enjoy it. 

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