That hadn't been there before. That must have been what he was doing in his room when he left her. 

She watched her eyes grow wide, mouth slightly hang open as George moved on the bed behind her, gently running his fingers across the skin of her back as he pushed his shirt up off her. 

She lifted off her hands as he pulled the shirt off, Cassandra then moving her arms to cover her bare chest as she surveyed herself. 

He moved her hair to the side, whispering hotly in her ear, "Don't hide Cassandra, you're beautiful." He gently moved her arms away, "Beauty like this should be observed, should be on display in the fucking Louvre." 

A sigh fled her as he kissed behind her ear, "Though you're only on display for me...aren't you?" 

Her reflection nodded with a jerk, earning another low rumble from his chest, "That's a good girl." He pushed her back back down, Cassandra using her palms to catch her. 

"Now, eyes on me or yourself in the mirror only. Wouldn't want you to miss the show." 

Cassandra watched as George's fists clamped around one side of her panties, the material slowly ripping with a shrieking shred. Cassandra scoffed, "What if I liked those?" 

He smirked, "I think you'll like this more." A slender finger staked across her heat, "Besides I'll buy you more if you'd like." 

Cassandra fought back a groan as a finger entered her, not wanting to give him the satisfaction just yet, "You must be a rich man then...Always claiming to buy the clothes you shred." 

He pumped faster, "For you...anything you want." 

Cassandra was prepping her snarky comeback but it evaporated into the hot air as pleasure racked her. It was becoming increasingly hard to try to stay silent but watching the irriation on George's face was worth it. Maybe. 

She was getting closer, teetering on the edge as their eyes caught in the mirror. George could feel her tighten, see how close she was all over her face. 

Normally, he'd help her over the ledge, feel her body contract and tighten around him. Not this time. 

He pulled away, sucking his fingers clean as Cassandra watched in the mirror, grumbling, "Bastard." 

George froze, Cassandra stilling as well. Shit. Shit. 

She was in for it now. 

"You know...I've had it with your attitude today," George clamped his hands around her hips, shifting them higher into the air, "Think I'll have to fuck some sense into you." 

He entered her quickly, Cassandra watching both of their faces contort. He wasted no time plowing into her, Cassandra's brave idea of staying quiet to piss him off was tossed to the wind as whimpers fled her lips. 

Without slowing down George grabbed his wand, casting a silencing charm. "No need to be quiet--mhm-- c'mon lets hear those desperate little pleas." 

After a few more stokes and loud moans from Cass, George wrapped his hand around her neck, pulling her up, her back against his chest. 

"Mhmm good girl," He moaned right into her ear, causing Cassandra to throw her head back on his shoulder. 

With one hand lightly squeezing her neck, the other skating down her belly to rub her clit...she knew she wouldn't last long. 

"George— fuck I'm close."

"I know you desperate, so needy....aren't you Cass?" 

This was enough for her, George snapped her head back up so she watched herself in the mirror as she unraveled around him, pleasure washing over her in waves. 

Just Around the Corner || A G. Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now