Chapter Two

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Addison's POV~


"Bryce?" Oh no... what in the world
am I doing here. "Well good morning to you too" Bryce said in his morning voice. "Please tell me we didn't do anything, that's all I ask." I swear if this man doesn't tell me right now. "WE didn't do anything, I did most of the work" he winked exaggerating the word 'we'. "Hall you better tell me the truth. I know I didn't get that drunk" I stated. "Okay fine, nothing happened, I promise, you had like seven shots and I wasn't going to make Caitlyn drive all the way back to drop you off so I said you could sleep here. Don't stress it" Bryce said obviously still tired.

"I should go" I said getting up, I shouldn't be in bed with him. Bryce pulled me back down by my my waist sending shivers down my body. Why does he have that effect on me? How do I make it stop? Well... not that I want to. But I need to. I can't catch feelings. I refuse to.

"Five more minutes?" he asked with his eyes still closed. "Fine, only five." I replied. I laid my head on his chest while he played with my hair. Soon enough I fell asleep and five minutes turned into thirty.


I can't believe it. I had just walked in on my own boyfriend doing it with my "friend" Jessica. I'm at a  party the Hype House hosted. it's somewhere around midnight and I'm about to throw up.

This can't be real.

This can't be real.

This can't be real.

I'm not crying but i'm shaking. It suddenly got cold. No. It's not cold. It's just me. I looked down to my shaking fingertips. I don't know what to think. I ran outside to get some fresh air. It smells of alcohol and Victoria Secret perfume in here. What the fuck just happened. What am I supposed to do? And to think this was the second time he cheated on me.

What's wrong with me?

Am I not good enough?

No. He's not loyal.

But why, is it because of me?

Hundreds of questions raced through my mind. I sat by the pool feeling numb. it's so hard to process. I wanted to erase that disgusting memory. Caitlyn pulled me out of my head when she came to hug me.

"You don't have to explain, unfortunately I went to the restroom and had to see that myself. I'm so sorry Adds, he doesn't deserve you, and you don't deserve what happened." Caitlyn is too good to me.

"I'm so numb... I just need to go home."
"Okay it's for the best"
I'm glad she understood.

I got into my car and stared at the gloomy dark clouds blankly. Why does it hurt so bad? I put my head on the steering wheel. A single tear fell down my temple, and suddenly it started to rain, as if the clouds were listening to me.

I loved Cade. Was that not enough for him?

You know what? I don't understand how I could invest my whole heart into a relationship I know won't last forever. I mean come on I really thought Cade was "the one"? There is 7.9 BILLION souls on this planet and I chose one that cheats on me? Love is one thing IN love is another.



"Addison wake up"

I woke up with tears in my now red eyes. It was just a dream. Kind of... just had to re-live being cheated on. It felt so real though.

I'm Just a Philophobic   (A Braddison Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora