Personal Heaven 💖

Start from the beginning

" Zoya .. next week is your due date.. should I inform Ayaan that they all come here.. bcz Ammi is already with them bcz of Humera and Azaan.. " Asad asked seriously..Zoya waited for sometime but agreed..

Humera gave birth to healthy baby boy but as she never experienced this situation and no one was there to guide her..that's why Dilshad went there to help them.. she was worried for Zoya as well but Sujata assured her that she will take care of her.. Dilshad was relieved by that and went to Ayaan..

" Call them all.. I know how much they are worried for me.. but only bcz of Humera's bad condition she stayed there otherwise I know how much Ammi craved to stay here.." Zoya said smilingly..

All smiled as they knew that after Swara Zoya is very fond of Dilshad.. she never saw her own mother.. n her sister always took care of her very affectionately but still she always craved for mother's love which she got from Dilshad..

Swara loudly called them for dinner and all came to dining table.. Sujata lovingly made Zoya eat her favourite dishes while Swara was making eat Ansh and Sanskar was making her eat .. Asad and others were laughing seeing this..

" I can understand about Zoya and Ansh but Sanskar Swara is grown up.. " Laksh said naughtily..

Swara glared him angrily.. " See Sanskar he is jealous of me.. Ragini di is ignoring him so he is eyeing me and you.." Swara said cutely making laksh's eyes wide.. Ragini glared him angrily and he started to eat silently.. all laughed seeing this..

It's true that Ragini unknowingly ignored him as after coming here she again started her career.. Asad appointed her in their company only as she was best in designing.. Laksh was proud of her as he knows that she is very talented and if Asad himself asked for her work then it's definitely very proud moment bcz he is very strict when it comes to work.. bcz of Ragini's busy schedule she hardly gets time to spend time with Ansh and laksh.. Ansh was fond of Swara and Sujata so it was easy bcz they handled him.. but laksh many times missed her pampering..

" Let's do one thing.. Instead of sending Sanskar and Swara to their honeymoon let's send Ragini and laksh.." Zoya said mischievously.. Ragini and laksh coughed loudly while others were laughing seeing their condition..

" No way.. Swara and Sanskar needs this honeymoon trip as they both are married but never went anywhere and about us.. We are happy with each other here only.. afterall family is with us.." Ragini said seriously.. she completes her dinner and straightly went to her room..

Zoya thought she got angry.." I am sorry Laksh..I was just teasing you both.."

Laksh smile and nodded his head negatively.. " Don't worry Zoya.. she is not angry .. she is just insecure as now she doesn't want to stay away from her family even for a moment.."

Swara was suspicious and sent Ansh to his room with Sujata and Ram as they also finished their dinner..

" Anything serious jiju? From the time we got married I always saw little fear in her eyes.. " Swara asked seriously making him shocked..but said everything..

" After loosing Swarali and Shomi ma she is scared to loose anyone.. that's the reason she was not ready to work again but finally you made her understand.. but still her fear is there.. she doesn't want to have second child also as she doesn't want Ansh or other child to suffer whatever you both suffered.. I tried to remove her insecurity but failed.. so I just left her like that only as like this she is happy.." he said calmly making all shocked..

" It's not only about insecurity Laksh but I want to give my whole attention to you all.. Swara we already lost our sister but destiny made us unite.. so let's live in this moment forgetting past.. I won't forget Swarali ever.. but at the same time I don't want to neglect this present.. I always wanted unbreakable bond with my sister.. I failed with Swarali but I don't want to fail with you and Zoya..n about second child.. we have Ansh then what's the need of second child.. we have our child to pamper and Zoya is also going to be mother.. I will have her child to pamper also and how can I forget you Swara.. I know I am insecure but not in the way you all are thinking.. life is very short so I just wanted to live every moment happily without any regrets again.. I did many mistakes but still I got happiness and I don't want to lose them.." Ragini said emotionally hugging Zoya and Swara.. all smiled seeing their bond..

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