chapter 2:surprise switch

Start from the beginning

So she she snatched John away from me by lying to him that I was cheating on him which I didn't.But John felt for the lie and also some bunch of false evidence such as fake text,fake edited photos of me and a dude i haven't even seen before in my entire life.she compiled all these in order to make him believed her more.So John left me for her without even listening to my explanation.But along the line while they were still dating, john later discovered that all she said about me cheating on him was a lie and she even revealed her true self by cheating on John while in a relationship with him.when John figured out that all she said about me was a lie, he dumped her and came back on his kneels begging me for a second chance.At first i felt reluctant to answer my but my friends also pleaded on his behalf,so i just allowed everything that happened to be bygones and we started dating afresh again.

....Now back to where I stopped!....

After Veronica said that I couldn't fight for my right,In my mind,I said to myself,so Veronica even knew that we were right, so why did she even bother to start an unnecessary argument with I and my friends.

........well that's how she is and will always be, always picking up a fight, thinking she owns everyone.......
Anita wanted to slap jade so badly, but I had to tell her to let it go,and that we are bigger than fighting with them.Veronica turned to her friend and said: "girls, girls,girls!! Just like Stella said,let's not waste our precious time arguing with these low life idiots cause we will always win them",now let's get going!!and they all left.

What a weirdo,Tina said.rhea turned to me and said: 'if not for you Stella,I would have beaten the hell out of those good for nothing girls'.I know, but we didn't come to school for them right? I said looking at them all.They all chorused "yes we didn't come for them".Now let's just face our studies and attain excellent,I said.
Anita opened the door and told us to enter quickly so we won't miss class and so another Veronica won't come out of the wind again, and we all laughed.Immediately we entered the school hall,rhea saw John. gosh,you need to see how pale my face was,when i saw john.i felt like i was going to throw up.......

As Rhea tried reaching John to ask him why he sent such text to me,all of a sudden, he then waved his hand at someone who was behind us and it was a girl.well not just any girl,but that foolish Veronica again!!! I was still trying to put my head together and figure out the situation, until I heard "how are you doing darling"from John to veronica.she replied him saying "never been better without you dear". Before I could even turn to see if it were really them,Veronica has already reached were John was standing and they had even started kissing.
I just stood there shocked and dumb-folded,even my friends were also surprised and confused.

......"so she had already known and is even dating him!",I said in my mind....

So Veronica had known that I and John are no longer dating,and to worse the whole issue on ground"she is even dating him".Tears filled my eyes but I dared not let it roll across my cheek,so that Veronica won't laugh at me,so i held it back.So I turned and told Rhea that "see!!,i told you asking him isn't a good idea". Although rhea still wanted to ask,but this time a different question.

So she went ahead to meet John and she said to him:"John,so after hurting my friend with your text,you still went ahead to date another person".Ok so my question is this:"of all students in this pentville academy,why Veronica?
'Because she is the definition of my type',John answered.And Stella isn't, right?anita said.Exactly as you said Anita!,stella is no match for a cute fellow as John!! Veronica added."she wasn't referring to you",Tina yelled at Veronica. look who's talking!,jade said facing Tina.

Inside of me was already boiling,now I knew I had to step in again,inorder to avoid not only a fight but a big embarrassment,so I told Anita and Tina to just forget the matter and let's all head to class.John then faced me with a wicked smile on his face and said: "yes dear,you better run along".That moment,something inside of me wanted to punch him on the face so badly but I controlled myself and ignored the fact that he was even standing right in front of me.Veronica said to john: "let's get out of here,it's already boring being in the midst of these little things". 'In my mind,I was like,wait!!did she just called us little things?' but I overlooked the statement so it won't cause another problem.So John held Veronica, putting his arm on her shoulder and they both left walking side by side to each other.

Then I told my friends that we should also head to class and forget about whatever that happened today.Though they didn't seem happy with the idea but they had no other choice than to accept.So we had a few classes and next was break hour.During the break period,I ran to the girls restroom,locked myself up in one of the toilet and began weeping silently so as to not attract unwanted attention.
"H,how could she" I murmured.'of all students in pentville academy, why would Veronica do this to me?' b-bu-but I thought John loved me? A thousand question flew across my brain and came right from my brain to my lips that Moment, but they didn't matter anymore cause there is no one to answer them and the deed had been done already.

While still weeping,I said to myself: "i wonder why she hates me this much?" Of all people in pentville academy, Veronica hated me most!!!
And I think I know why she hates me with passion. Maybe it's because:first of all,am a good girl,secondly,I always get good grades,and thirdly,I won a debate competition for my school which makes me all the teachers favorite. So yeah!!, probably that's why she hates me and is always picking on me even when i try to avoid her.
To her, she thinks she can always have her way as long as she is rich and she has a mindset that money can always buy her whatever she wants but unfortunately it didn't.Ever since I was given the position of the head girl of pentville academy, Veronica became very very mad and over jealous.well if you would ask me,I think the reason why she is jealous is because she had probably been longing for the postion and had maybe hoped to secure it with her wealthy and influential power but things didn't work out her way.
So each time Veronica sees me she would just get angry and jealous.
.......guess that's why there is a saying that money is the root of all evil........
And jealousy on the other hand, is a fruit of evil.Now I see why Veronica is evil!!!!!
So after all these thoughts,I remembered that I told my friends to forget about the whole issue, yet I came to the restroom to cry!!,what if they saw me now? So I summoned courage,wiped off my tears,regained my strength,unlock the toilet door and came out.So I proceeded to look at myself in the restroom mirror and told myself that I am brave and strong and infact I was also made for moments like this,so I won't let it weigh me down.

By the I had finished leaving the restroom premises,break time was already over so I headed back to class and took some extra classes.After school was over,i and my friends headed back home together.

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