Mattheo did what she said.

"What happened, who did this to him?"

We both stayed silent. -yeah I was pissed but I had not the intention to tell on him.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked worried after she gave him a potion.

"Yes he will be fine. He just needs time to rest."

And with that she left.

And I did the same trying to avoid Mattheo.

"Y/n wait!" he yelled after me but I ignored him.

He ran after me and pulled me by my wrist.

"I said stop."

"Don't touch me, Mattheo."

"I- I "

"You what?" I scoffed annoyed.

"I am sorry, but I thought he touched you."

"He did not, but what if he did, you can't just punch every guy who is looking at me. Mattheo I am not your property. I hardly know you. I can do what ever I want with who ever I want." I now half yelled again.

His hands went back to my throat and I could feel his cooks rings again. -he really loves doing that huh?

"As I said before, you are going to be mine."

"What if I don't want to." I spat at him.

His big hands tightened their grip and I could hardly breath. He came closer to me his face was inches away from mine, he looked down at me and my breathing got faster.

I could feel butterflies in my vagina. -why is he so hot, how the hell am I able to hate him, when he looks like that. That's not fair at all.

"You could not resist me for a long time." he smirked.

He kind of got a point there, I really could not do it for long.

He looked me straight in my eyes and was now kind of lifting me in the air with his veiny hands.

His face came closer to mine and he wanted to kiss me but stopped millimeters before my lips.

"Not now love, I want you to beg for it." he smirked and grip around me neck looses.

He stormed off and I was standing there, not knowing what to say or do. No guy on this planet ever talked to me like that or did something like that. Normally I'm more the dominant part you know.

After a few seconds I was finally able to move on, I walked to my room to find Liora.

She was sitting on her bed, smiling up at me.

I sat down next to her and told her everything what happened this morning and last night.

"He did what? How is Draco? And why is he so opposed with you, I mean you are beautiful but that's not normal."

"Hey hey hey calm down, Draco it totally fine and it's not like it was his first fight, right?" I tried to calm her down.

"And yes it's not normal, but he- I don't know he makes me feel some kind of way."

"Wait wait wait psychopath Lestrange has a thing for someone."

"First of all I don't have a thing for him, second of all he's not just somebody, he's Voldemort's son."

"You got a point right there, if somebody would fit to you it would be him."

"Subject change, let's go to breakfast and then smuggle some food into the Hospital Wing for your brother."

"Yep sounds like a plan." the blond girl jumped and smiled at me.

"Let me just change into my clothes."

I walked up to my wardrobe and changed a comfy black two piece and of course my black boots.

"Let's go." I said pulling my best friend with me.

On our way we started to talk about her and Blaise.

"You know I really like him and yesterday was really nice."

"Yeah I bet it was." I chuckled.

"Oh shut it." she said as we walked into the great hall.

We sat down next to Blaise and I told him what happened this morning.

We ate and then took two Croissants with us and headed towards the Hospital Wing.

"Hey brother." Liora said kind of jumping onto the bed next to him.

"Hey what's up?" he asked, looking way better then a few hours ago, the potion must have worked but he still had a dark eye.

"We brought you breakfast." I said smirking at him and handing him the bag.

"Thanks guys." he said and started to eat.

The rest of the day we spent in the Hospital Wing, we had a good time, talking, laughing and stuff. Draco was able to go back to his dorm in the evening.

-1759 words

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