The Unexpected Discovery

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The trip to the supermarket was faster than he had expected since he had covered the distance quickly, probably he was subconscious of the fact that it was already way past his time schedule or may it's the fear of vampire mugger who preys on people after dark or the most plausible one was that he did not want to meet any of his former friends after all he had abruptly left them without listening to anything they had to say, not that they had anything proper in the first place nor was he interested in it anyway, not after their de facto leader Ichigo said that there was a complicated reason why he was ditched or left behind in the first place and he really doubted others would tell him the actual reason without offending /upsetting/ angering him. But he did say that he would tell them the real reason why he had cut ties with them once Ichigo tells him the actual truth after he had uncomplicated it, it's a fair deal that is if he wishes to tell him in the first place.

And also, he didn't like the way Ichigo compared his actions and plans with some random guy who according to him had caused harm to someone with his scheming whereas he didn't harm anyone other than himself and his motives are clear as a glass whereas the one he was compared his motives are not known and Ichigo wasn't even willing to try to find out about that guy's motives.

Don't get him wrong he doesn't condone such people who harm others just for the sake of doing it or for fun but if the motives are good, he would be willing to give him/her a benefit of the doubt and would try to find out a better way provided if that the person was willing to change his ways. But on contrary if the person had been wronged and had retaliated then he wouldn't judge them, its hypocrisy at its finest how can one party get away with what they had done, while the one who retaliated is considered as a bad guy. Judging someone based on their action alone is not a good thing but unfortunately, that's how the world works, there is nothing he can do about it, other than follow his ideals no matter what.

While walking he noticed that the streets were less crowded than usual and it's not even 5:00, nothing unusual in this area but not common either especially on a Friday evening. Well, if the supermarket is like the streets than it means he can do the shopping quickly and peacefully. In ten minutes, he had reached the supermarket, and which was emptier than he had expected.

"Damn either people are really afraid of the vampire mugger or today was a special occasion" he thought to himself.

But it makes it easy for him to finish the shopping really quick. He had purchased a vanilla flavored ice cream which was his sister's favorite along with tender chicken, egg, Capsicum, and noodles. He was planning to make fried egg noodles and Chicken gravy which goes well together.

There were three elderly women ahead of him, the topic of their conversation with the cashier was about the mugger, seems they weren't worried about the mugger from what he heard the mugger was specifically targeting particular age group so far and coincidentally the victims were all men. Apparently, they knew some of them and according to them those guys are really good people and they hoped/wished that they get well soon something which the cashier didn't agree with from the looks of it but didn't show his disagreement outwardly but anyone can clearly see that written clearly on his face unless one has an issue with their eyes or wasn't paying attention to their surroundings. He patiently waited for his turn and after 7 minutes his turn came and while the cashier was billing his grocery, he was curious to know why he wanted to disagree with them and if he knew something which the woman didn't know or didn't care.

"Excuse me, I was paying attention to the conversation those elderly women were having and you looked like you wanted to disagree but didn't, so I'm bit curious to know why?"

The man looked surprised for a second, frankly speaking he wouldn't have expected a high school student to show interest in a topic like that but the jokes on him because he was more into the mysterious and unknown than the common day to day stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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