Let the past die -1

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Let the past die , Part 1

He knew he was dead the moment the car hit him in full force. There was no way he could have survived that. Then how come he is still and how did he get back to his room. Was it all a dream? it should be there is no logical reasoning or possibility of him miraculously surviving and getting teleported into his room. But he had no memory of getting back to his house and he was still dressed in his school pants, his shirt was on the floor beside his bed which he didn't mind at the moment but he got a sudden nagging feeling in his mind to check his shirt immediately which he ignored for the time being. He checked the time in the clock, the heck it's just 6 pm, only two hours from his school had ended, so probably his sister would be still in the school performing her student Council president duty. At least he could rest for few more minutes before he could prepare the dinner for the pain in the ass of a sister.

Unconsciously he took his cell phone from his pocket to check the messages in his inbox, knowing very well that he wouldn't be having any, he gave an audible sigh a man can only hope. And like he had predicted there was nothing, ah sometimes reality can be a total bitch. He chuckled, no use in crying over spilled milk, after all, he had established himself as an annoying comedic element, a necessary evil in the school, so changing that impression isn't possible at least during the current semester. And oh yeah, he had just severed his ties with all his friends without even listening to their reasons for why they did what they did. But something in his cell phone which wasn't there before in his phone caught his eyes, there was a slightly visible crack on his screen which wasn't there before and there was a tinge of something red on his phone keypad. A sense of dread took over him, he couldn't pinpoint why he was feeling that but he could feel it in his guts that it has to do with that nightmare he had. What if it wasn't a dream? What if he had been hit by that car? There were a lot of what if, which wouldn't make any sense if they were true.

The nagging feeling, he had been ignoring all this time came back in full force and he finally gave in. He switched on the light to quell this sensation and what he saw was something akin to those clothes in horror movies, his shirt was completely soaked in blood, not only that his pants were drenched in blood, so were his shoes and socks.

It took a moment for him to realize that he was shivering and shaking like a leaf and was hyperventilating. His legs finally gave in and he sank into the floor, his eyes never leaving the bloodied shirt. And just like that memories of events that had transpired two hours ago flooded into his mind.

Two hours Ago

The teacher had been absent for the last period, so the students in his class were chatting with each other, and since it was Friday most of them were having a conversation about how they were going to enjoy their weekend all except Keigo.

No he was enjoying the view outside, specifically the beauty of the sky and how it complements the evening. The sun was setting slowly casting long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky. It was as if the whole sky was burning and that source of the fire was the beautiful sun.

He looked up into the sky wondering where could heaven be or where could the dead souls go? With the development in technology shouldn't anyone be able to discover it or at least a glimpse of heaven or the ones who created everything? If things were true according to various myths and religions. Or is there anything else required to see them I.e like specific criteria to fulfill and that only a selected number of people might be able to see it, not all?

And if there is indeed a heaven, how will it look like, what sort of hierarchy will be followed there? Will, there be inequality among the people there just like how it is on the earth like the weak and powerless preyed upon by strong and powerful who can get away with anything or will it be different there, or the main reason why there is inequality on the earth in the first place is because of the inequality among the rulers or gods or the souls occupying heaven.

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