Let the past die 2

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Ichigo frowned, Kojima looked confused, Orihime's eyes widened slowly in realization, the fury in Arisawa's face was replaced with shock, then she looked at Ichigo who was glaring at her for some reason, Chad had a resigned look on his face and Uryuu looked even more uncomfortable.

"Hold up, I hope you are not implying what I think you are?" Kojima questioned, his voice taking a sharp edge, something which Keigo hadn't heard before in his voice.

"You are joking right?" he questioned again.

"No Mizu- Kojima I am not joking; I am really sorry it had to be this way "Keigo replied in an apologetic tone. But Kojima wasn't even listening, he looked lost. The others were not faring well either, Orihime looked really sad, Ichigo was furious, Arizawa looked really guilty. He wasn't expecting this kind of reaction but it has to be done.

"Why?" Tatsu, no Arizawa asked in a low hoarse voice laced with guilt and anger

He sighed

"Like I said I do not fit in this group. I am dumb, annoying, and socially awkward, not to mention I keep embarrassing you guys especially you and ichigo." he paused for few seconds trying to control his emotions before continuing

"You guys have a bond which is clearly visible to anyone, the bond between each and every one of you especially you, Ichigo, Orihime, and Chad is so perfect, Uryuu and mizuiro fit in perfectly but whereas I couldn't, it feels like I am interrupting or interfering with my presence, so before things become worse, I have decided to end our friendship, it wasn't easy for me since you guys are the only friends I had " he choked when he spoke the last few words, his voice filled with anguish and guilt.

"I'm really sorry that you feel that way Asano Kun but none of us feel like that, so please don't do this "Orihime spoke softly with a gentle but cheerful smile on her voice, but the sadness in her voice betrayed the emotion on her face.


I am really grateful that you think like that but I'm really sorry, I can't for now " he replied trying hard to ignore how sad she became after hearing his reply.

"Are you saying these are the only reasons for your decision?" Ichigo spoke for the first time, his voice devoid of any emotion which was betrayed by the anger in his face.

"Yes, these are the only reasons" he replied, trying hard not to flinch when he looked at him.

"So, it has got nothing to with how I have treated you so far?" Arizawa questioned him in a meek voice before Ichigo could speak. That question got everyone including Keigo off guard for multiple reasons, one because he hasn't heard her use such a tone with anyone, not even Orihime, two he was surprised that she knew or has realized about the way she had been treating him, and three he did not expect her to openly ask about it and for a second he hesitated before answering the question

"Of-course not "he stuttered, great going Asano he thought sarcastically, he knew he messed up when he hesitated and stuttered but he would make sure to cover it up

"Why would I think like that?" he looked at her in the eyes which were swirling with a wide variety of emotions which have mixed together that he was unable to tell them apart.

"I agree that you were harsh but it's nothing I hadn't deserved, for being the biggest pervert and a trash for lusting after each and every girl I could see." Arizawa's eyes widened in recognition, these were the same words she had used during that incident at her place, good now she will be distracted by that incident that she wouldn't be as focused as she would be. hook and link done, now time for the sinker aka the final nail in the coffin.

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