Chapter 15

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The days dragged slower than ever, Sarah missed her dad more than anything, she wasn't eating or sleeping properly, she couldn't concentrate. "You need to eat kid, you'll get sick" Sam said as he pushed a plate of food towards her, she pushed it away "I'm not hungry" she said quietly and jumped down from her seat, walking away to a small window seat in the corner of the room. She stared out the window hugging her knees to her chest, "Director, I didn't know you were coming" Tony said, Sarah looked up briefly then back out the window. They were talking quietly, she could only hear mumbling then Fury approached her.

"You're awfully quiet" he said as he leaned against the wall near me, Sarah hummed in response not moving her gaze from out the window. "Unless there's some crazy thing you're seeing out there other than trees i think you're ignoring me" he said taking a seat opposite her, she turned to look at him "I'm not ignoring you" she replied resting her chin on her knees. "You still worried about your dad?" Sarah looked at her feet then back up at Fury "a little" she said quietly. "I've known your father a very long time, I helped recruit him to the avengers, he's been through a hell of a lot worse" Fury said, she'd never seen this side to him, almost comforting. She nodded "I just thought that after Thanos turned to dust we wouldn't have to fight anymore" She admitted and Fury smiled which confused her, "what?" She asked, "you never stop fighting Sarah, that's why we're still going" she tilted her head slightly and nodded. "Sarah, your dads out of hospital today Sams gone to get him" Nat called, Sarah's eyes lit up and she smiled.

Sarah saw Steve walk in to view and she jumped to her feet and ran to him, she hesitated for a second as she realised how weak he looked. She looked at him and he smiled and sat on one of the couches, Sarah sat next to him and turned to face him "are you ok?" She asked with a worried expression on her face, "better than ever" he said with a weak smile.

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