Chapter 14

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The car journey was quiet, Sarah stared out the window the whole way there. Sam parked the car and turned off the engine, "hey, you good?" He asked, she turned to look and him and nodded "I'm good" he smiled and they got out the car. Sarah stayed close to Sam and Bucky, being outside the compound made her nervous, they walked down a long corridor, hospitals have a funny smell it's not a nice one either.

They entered a small room where Steve was sat up reading through a file, he looked up as they entered "hey" he said and smiled softly, Sarah breathed out and approached his bed nervously "you said you wouldn't get hurt" she said sadly looking at the cuts and bruises on his face. His eyes softened, "I'm ok, I'll be out of here in no time" he replied looking at her, she put her hand on his cheek running her fingers over the stitches on his face. She climbed on to the bed and lay her head against chest gently curling in to a tight ball, she felt him breathe out and put his arm over her, "that's my girl" he said quietly.

"We're analysing the intel you got from your mission, might give us some answers" Sam said, Bucky sat in the chair next to the bed whilst Sam stood with his arms crossed. "What do we have so far?" Steve replied, "Not much, couple of names, three possible locations" Bucky said and Sarah tensed slightly, Steve felt it and rubbed Sarah's arm with his thumb, "Steve we gotta go to Wakanda, we need their help" Sam said and Steve sighed, "ok we'll go" Sarah moved her head to look up at him, "what's Wak.....wakan......Wakanda?" She asked, he smiled "it's the place your uncle Bucky went when he needed help" he replied. Sarah rolled over to look at Bucky, "are they good uncle Bucky?" She asked looking at him, he nodded "yeah they're good" he replied and wiped his finger across her nose making her scrunch up my face.

It had been a few hours, we just sat in the room talking and laughing. "Ok come on kid you gotta get some sleep, it's been a hell of a day" Sam said looking at Sarah, a worried expression came over her face "no I wanna stay here" she said hiding her face in Steve's chest, "hey, I'll be out of here in a couple of days and you can come visit every day" Steve said. Sarah hid her face for a second then sat up, she hugged her dad tightly and then got up off the hospital bed. Sam stretched his arm out as she walked towards him and he put his hand on her back, "see you later man" Sam said as they walked out the room, followed by Bucky.

They got back to the compound and Sarah ran straight to Nat, she smiled as Sarah jumped on the couch and sat next to her "how'd it go?" She asked Sam as he followed, Bucky grabbed two beers from the fridge and handed one to Sam. "All good, caught him up on intel, doc said he should be out by Thursday" he replied and sat on the couch, "hey that's good" Nat said nudging Sarah lightly, she nodded and smiled leaning in to her side. She put her arm round Sarah and hugged her small frame, it was then she realised how tired she was and a yawn escaped, her eyes became heavy and before she knew it she had fallen fast asleep.

Next thing Sarah knew she half woke up, she was being carried by someone, they were carrying her bridal style she looked up tiredly and realised it was Bucky, she closed her eyes again as she was lowered in to her bed. She whimpered slightly as she hit the bed gently, "shhh" he whispered and pulled the covers over her body, "leave the door open a little" she said tiredly, her eyes still closed, Bucky said nothing but did as she asked and left the room quietly.

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