Chapter 10

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Sarah woke up to a loud bang and an alarm blaring throughout the compound, she was in pain from the needles and was stiff from the cold. She curled up in to a tight ball trying to ignore the loud noises, there was loud gunfire and shouting in a different language that she didn't recognise. She was terrified, she hated the noises and wanted to go home, there were men screaming and then the door blasted open. "Steve I got her" Bucky spoke through the comms, he ripped the cell door clean off its hinges and quickly moved to her side "Uncle Bucky" she said weakly turning her head to look at him, "yeah it's me" he said softly and stroked her forehead gently with his thumb she heard Tony's voice faintly over comms "Barnes get her outta there!" He nodded and lifted her gently in to his arms, she whimpered "it's ok I got you sweetheart I got you" he said softly then turned to Wanda and Nat who were behind him "cover me I gotta get her to the jet" he said to them and they both nodded, he gripped Sarah tightly and ran as fast as he could, she felt his pounding footsteps as he ran.

They got outside the base and to the quinjet, followed by Wanda and Nat, Tony, Clint, Sam and Steve were all stood at the jet waiting. The base behind them exploded, "oh my god" Steve said and took her from Bucky, "I'm so sorry" he said, his voice breaking slightly "it's not your fault" she replied weakly. "Come on we gotta get her to a doctor" Bucky said and squeezed Steve's shoulder, everyone got on the jet and sat around Sarah, "she's a smart kid, turned on her bracelet it's the only reason we found her" Tony said, "Friday read vitals" he told the AI, "her blood pressure is low, as is her blood sugars, her pulse is slightly weak but not fatal" the AI responded, making everyone let out a breath of relief. "You hear that? You're gonna be just fine" Steve said softly as he stroked her hair, Sarah couldn't talk so she just closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Sarah woke up in a hospital bed, there was a steady beeping sound of the heart monitor, she opened her eyes and looked over to Steve who was sat by her bed holding her hand tightly "hey look who's awake" he said softly, "how you feeling?" he asked. "Ok I think" she replied and looked around the room, "am I in the hospital?" She asked trying to sit up "yeah but you're still in the compound, you need to rest" he replied sternly. He stood up "wait, don't go" she whimpered, his eyes softened and he sat back down "I'm not going anywhere" Sarah reached for his hand and pulled him to the bed, he chuckled and lay on the single hospital bed, it was small but so was Sarah so he easily fit on. She snuggled in to his chest and hugged his arm tightly, "dad?" He hummed in response "thanks for coming to get me" she said quietly, he smiled "well I wasn't going to leave my best girl" he whispered "go to sleep" she nodded and drifted back off to sleep.

Sarah woke up around two hours later but kept her eyes closed, there were other people in the room now and Steve was talking. "How's she doing?" Sam asked, "she's ok although I can't feel my arm right now" Steve responded Sam let out a light chuckle. Sarah opened her eyes and rubbed them, "hey sleeping beauty" he said, she groaned and hid her face, Sam and Steve laughed, she sat up slightly holding her dads arm for support. The doctor came in and checked her vitals, "she's good to go, she needs to take it easy though" the doctor said, she nodded and the doctor started removing the drip and heart monitor from her. Sarah tried to stand as she got off the bed but her legs were weak, "hey let me help" Steve said as him and Sam rushed to her side, she held on to Sam as Steve grabbed her stuff and they made their way slowly to the main part of the compound.

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