Chapter 37

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The barn was burning and the next few hours passed in a blur.

Heat, shifting light thrown by wind fed writhing flames, the shouts of men and the screams of terrified horses filled the night air. Jungkook directed his men, shouting orders over the noise. The volunteer fire department had been called out, but no one was standing around waiting. Hoses were dragged from every area of the yard, and water was aimed at the flames licking along the sides and climbing toward the roofline of the barn.

They fought to get fire under control to prevent it from spreading not only to the other buildings but to the forest itself. It had been a long dry summer and the only thing they had going for them was the fact that it had recently rained.

The crackle and hiss of the fire sounded like demons chattering in the shadows. And that was what it felt like as well—as if hell had come to the mountain. The heat was amazing and Jungkook felt sweat pouring down his back as he made run after run into the barn, leading the horses out. The terrified animals refused to cooperate, so the process took far longer than it should have. But he was intent on getting every animal out of the barn alive.

Just as he'd been intent on keeping Jimin safe.

"Stay in the house!" Jungkook shouted at Jimin when the first call for help had sounded out. Immediately, he'd raced away from Jimin, fully expecting him to hear and obey him, for God's sake.

Naturally, Jimin didn't.

Jimin paused only long enough to close the bedroom door, making sure Melody couldn't get out and be injured, then he was on his heels as Jungkook ran downstairs for the front door.

Before Jungkook could shout at Jimin again, he yelled, "Don't waste your breath, Jungkook. This is my home, too, and I'll help save it."

The Jimin had bolted out of the house and Jungkook had no choice but to follow after him. Still Jungkook had kept as close an eye on Jimin as possible throughout the battle with the fire.

Jimin was tireless, Jungkook thought as the mountain fire department roared up the drive and more men joined the struggle.

Jimin handled one of the ranch garden hoses, shooting streams of water on the flames as the other men beat at the fire with blankets. He never quit. Never flagged. Jimin stood his ground alongside the others and faced whatever fears were choking him without once turning from them.

And as the night wore on and sparks flew into the night, winking from brilliance to darkness, Jungkook at last realized the truth.

He loved Jimin.

Loved Jimin with everything he was.

It wasn't about lust. Wasn't about not wanting him to go. It was so much more. Jungkook had tried to tell himself Jimin was just a clumsy, pretty city boy. But there was grit and strength and purpose in him. Jimin was the man for him.

The only man.

By the time the fire was contained, Jimin was in the kitchen making boatloads of coffee for the others. Jungkook found him there, face sooty, clothes grimly, his hair tangled—and Jungkook thought Jimin had never looked lovelier to him.

"More coffee's on the way." Jimin said, with a quick glance at him.

"That's good. They are sucking it down as fast as you take it out there."

"Fire's really out?"

"Completely," Jungkook said, walking to Jimin, laying his hands on Jimin's shoulders and turning him around to face him. "Fire chief thinks it was an electrical thing. Started in one of the wall panels. But we got lucky." Jungkook pulled Jimin in close, wrapped his arms around him and felt himself settle for the first time in what felt like forever. "No one was hurt. The animals are safe and we'll rebuilt the barn. Structure's still sound. Just going to take—"

"A coat of paint?" Jimin murmured wryly.

Jungkook chuckled, kissed the top of his head and said, "A little more than that, but it'll be good."

"And I'll be here to see it?" Jimin tipped his head back and looked up at him. "No more talking about me leaving?"

"No," Jungkook told Jimin, wiping away some of the grime from his cheek with the pad of his thumb. "I don't want you to go. Ever."

Jimin smiled at him. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Jeon Jungkook. But you already said it before."

"This is... different. I've got plenty more to say, Park Jimin," Jungkook admitted. "Starting with—"


The proposal that had leaped to the tip of Jungkook's tongue stayed locked inside when Jimin shushed him by laying his fingertips against his mouth. Confusion rushed through Jungkook's mind. Hell, he knew Jimin had guessed what he was about to say—so why did he stop him? "Jimin..."

"Before you say anything else, there's something I have to tell you." Jimin whispered.

From outside came the clatter and noise of the men working to put away the firefighting equipment and getting the animals settled down again. They'd have to put the horses up on one of the outbuildings for the night. It wouldn't be a long-term solution but for right now... Jungkook dragged his mind back from the logistical problems facing him and instead focused on the man watching him with a wary regret in his eyes.

"What is it?" Jungkook's voice was low, his chest tight with the pressure of his breath backing up in his lungs. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," Jimin assured him and took a deep breath himself, as if trying to find his own balance before continuing the conversation. "But I have a feeling you were about to ask me to marry you..."

"And you don't want to marry me?" Shock pumped  through him. Jimin, the guy to whom commitment was essential? The man who longed for family was now going to turn down a proposal from the man he claimed to love? This had to be the weirdest situation Jungkook had ever found himself in.

Jungkook had never considered proposing to anyone before. Now that he was ready, the man he loved was heading him off before he could say the words? What the hell was going on? "You said you love me."

"I do," Jimin said quickly. Reaching up, he cupped Jungkook's face in his hands and speared his gaze into Jungkook's eyes. "Oh, Jungkook, I do love you. Completely. But I can't marry you until I'm completely honest with you. I think we both need to be truthful with each other. So I'll go first. I can't let you ask me the question until you know the real reason I came here."

"What?" The tension in the kitchen was alive and pulsing around them. So Jungkook did what he always had when faced with a problem. He charged right at it. "What do you mean, the real reason?"

Jimin blew out a breath, squared his shoulders and said, "I came here planning to seduce you, Jungkook. I wanted a baby and I wanted you to be the father."



Borahae 💜💜💜

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