I put all blame on the Sloth

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Last chapter # 8

     "A good-lookin' guy like you?" "You say that, but you don't mean it."

      "No, seriously. Look at you. Those ladies, they don't stand a chance."

      "You have a cruel sense of humor." "Don't let me cramp your style."

      "Thanks, Manny. You're a pal." "Without Pinky."



"Manny, I need him," Sid told Manny but he ignored him and walked away with Roshan

     "Sid next time don't take something that's not yours" (the third movie😂)

    "Alright I gotta catch up to Manny so I hope I never see you again," I told Sid and walked away

"So, ladies, where were we?"

"Carl." "Easy, Frank." I overheard a conversation happening with Sid and some other people but I walk away to catch up with Manny

"Pretty tail walks by, suddenly he moves like a cheetah. And that tiger..."

"Yeah, Mr. Great Tracker. Can't even find a sloth."

"What am I? The wet nurse? What are you lookin' at, bone bag?"

"Look at you. You're gonna grow into a great predator."

"I don't think so. What have you got? You got a little patch of fur."

"No fangs, no claws."

"You're folds of skin wrapped in mush."

"What's so threatening about you?"

"Does this look like a petting zoo to you? Huh?"

"OK. All right, wise guy. You just earned a time-out."

"You think that's funny? How about this?"
"You'll be a little snack for the owls."

              "You like him don't you Manny?" I asked Manny very curious about his response

             "Meh maybe but he won't change my mind on how I think about humans"

             "But it's not just that is it Manny I know you don't like to talk about what happened but you gotta talk at some point and I hope you realize am always gonna be here," I said to Manny walking closer, and then I saw his face fall but he nodded and looked up to get Roshan from the tree.

"You're a brave little squirt, I'll give you that," Manny said to Roshan while holding him with his trunk and we started walking off to find Diego since he knows where we're supposed to be going, wasn't long before we heard a screechy call for help

"Help. Help."

(Diego's POV)

         I ran into Sid and he didn't have the baby and looked like he was running away from something. 

      "Where's the baby?" I asked Sid  "Manfred and (Y/n) have him" Sid answer my question I have to find a way to get that baby and quickly Soto isn't known for being patient and that was the least of my worries I keep trying to get (Y/n) out of my head

"Just put me in your mouth. Come on. Hurry up. He got me." Sid started calling out trying to dramatic and started calling for help

"Help. Help."

"Get away from me." I spat out and started walking away from Sid. As I was walking away he has the nerve to kick me and growl in pain and suddenly had Sid's neck in my mouth.

        "It went this way." "Over here." I hear two voices call out and these two rhinos show up am guessing Sid pissed them off now I understand why he won't leave Manny and   (Y/n) alone then I started thinking about (Y/n) again thinking about her laughs and giggles but I get pulled out of my thoughts when the rhinos spoke.

"Carl. The tiger beat us to him." I stay still while I have Sid in my mouth so the rhinos don't get too suspicious so than I and kill Sid after this

"Wait a minute." one of the rhinos said and stepped forward to inspect Sid and make sure he was dead and then smells him and backs away in disgust
"He's dead all right." the rhino tells his who starts complaining and starts to walk away.

"Carnivores have all the fun." The second rhino said and started walking away with his buddy leaving me here with Sid

(Y/n)'s POV)

"Manny do you ever think that maybe things happen for a reason," I asked Manny lowering my head down while we walked to find Diego and Sid

      "Well you and I both know that it depends on how other animals think about is something happening that you want to talk about (Y/n)" Manny asked me with a worried tone

"It's nothing serious but I started thinking about my future and that I should probably find a pack eventually but I'll put a pin on that in my life" I responded and lifted my head slightly

"Well if that's something you wanna do go for it as long as you know that your gonna be happy," Manny said

"Sometimes I wonder how I got the best brother in my life," I said to Manny then we heard a screechy voice and we continued walking towards it and come to discover that it was Sid in Diego's mouth

"Gosh, I hate breaking their hearts like that. But you know how it is."Sid told Diego and tried to get his head out of Diego's mouth

"All right, thanks. You can put me down now." Sid told Diego getting nervous until he saw me and Manny walking towards them

"Manny. (Y/n)."Sid exclaimed

"Guys, I thought we were in a hurry. And Diego, spit that out." Manny told Diego already annoyed because we should have been on our way to take Roshan back to his dad and get back to our lives

"You don't know where it's been love you might catch something," I said to Diego who immediately spit Sid out of his mouth and looked at me getting nervous by the minute

"Boy. For a second there, I thought you were gonna eat me." Sid broke the silence and looked at Diego

"I don't eat junk food." "Thought you were gonna..." I giggle at their conversation and start walking away with Manny

"I thought you were gonna... Were you?"

"Come on, wait up. Wait up. Come on, come on. Can you wait for a second, please?"

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter I love you guys Byeeeeee!!!

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