Well At least we found the baby

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~~~~(Y/n's POV)~~~~

       "Am gonna kill him" I said and started following his tracks while Manny and Diego stayed in place and started arguing about something

"You guys gonna stand there and argue or what?" I said to them and continued walking a few minutes pass and they started to follow me


"I leave for a few minutes and Sid takes the Roshan great just great Diego and Manny still hate each other but it's pretty understandable they both got trust issues and am talking to know one!" I said to myself Since Manny and Diego insisted on going separate I had no problem with it I wouldn't hear any of their arguing

I followed Sid's tracks which led me to a mud pit place I've heard of there being places like these but never thought I'd see it in person but right now I gotta find Sid and get Roshan back to Runar

A few minutes later

"It's so ugly. Positively adorable."

"Hello, pumpkin. Hello, little baldy bean."

"Where'd you find it?" Random sloth was having a conversation nearby so I decided to listen in in case Sid was there showing off because he had Roshan

   "The poor kid, all alone in the wild. Sabers were closing in on him. So I just snatched him." I heard a very familiar voice said it had to be Sid so let interrupt their conversation

   "So brave."

   "So Sid when you gonna tell these lovely ladies that your a liar, coward, and idiot?" I ask Sid

   "Hi, Hey what are you doing here (Y/n)?" Sid asked me getting more nervous by the minute

"Well, when you take a baby and leave without saying anything you'd think that maybe everything would be okay right?" I said and Sid nodded his head in agreement

"Yeah, well, he needed me, and I only wish I had one of my own, too." Sid started to make conversation with the other two sloths thinking if he ignored I'd leave him boy was he wrong

"Really? I find that attractive in a male."

  "Ha, you might wanna find somebody else then honey he's not Mr. right"

"Alas. Who wouldn't want a family, I always say." Sid told the sloths and ignored my presence

  "Really since when!" I exclaimed

"Where've you been hiding?"

   "Yeah, well, you know..."

"Cute kid, huh? So, as I was saying, ladies..." Sid was about to continue until manny came along yay

"Hey. Hi, Manny."

"What's the matter with you?"

  "Manny he's an idiot I thought you would figure it out when he decided to follow a saber and a mammoth," said to manny in a matter as a fact kind of voice

"Excuse me, ladies. You just keep marinating and I'll be right back." Sid told the other ladies

"Sexy," Sid told the sloths ugh we gotta get rid of him eventually (the first thing I thought about was to have Sid jumped)

"He's not much to look at, but it's so hard to find a family guy."

"Tell me about it. All the sensitive ones get eaten."

   "oh do they really" I ask the lovely ladies and they nodded in agreement

"No, no, no. Manny, please, I'm begging you. I need him."

"A good-lookin' guy like you?"  "You say that, but you don't mean it."

"No, seriously. Look at you. Those ladies, they don't stand a chance."

"You have a cruel sense of humor."  "Don't let me cramp your style."

"Thanks, Manny. You're a pal." "Without Pinky."

    I hope you enjoy this chapter it's a little short but I've been really busy now that am going to school in person but I really hope you like this chapter okay I Love You  Byeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

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