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A/N: I'm just going to answers this question so I don't have to repeat myself again. Gabriel's in a full leg cast. His leg is straight and cannot bend.
When I got off the bus, I crutched my way to my house and saw my dad's beat up Toyota sitting in our dirty driveway. I unlocked the front door and saw him standing there with a blunt between his lips. I glanced at his arms and saw that he had fresh needle marks in his skin.

My dad smiled evilly and motioned me towards him. I hesitantly crutched towards him and watched as he pointed to the couch. I obediently sat down on scrappy couch and widened my eyes at the drugs laying on the table.

"Pick one", he muttered. I looked up at him and shook my head. He huffed and bent down so he was eye level with me, "you don't have a choice. Now pick a goddamn drug and fucking take it you little pussy!" I flinched from his hard tone and continued to have my jaw locked as I looked at the drugs. "I. Don't. Want. Them." I spoke.

He grabbed my head and I yelled out in pain as he smashed it on the drug filled coffee table. "You better choose one right now!", he roared. "Do you want the Coke?" He moved my head toward the pile of Coke and put my face in it. The drug stung my eyes and tears rolled down my cheeks. "Do you want the heroine?" He asked. I tensed when he grabbed a needle with his free hand and brought it towards my neck. "STOP! NO!" I screamed. He laughed and stabbed the dirty needle in my arm. "Or do you want the weed?" He asked. He then grabbed some of the weed and threw it at my Coke covered face.

"You're a little pussy just like your mom. No wonder I had to get rid of her. All women are lazy and no good!" He yelled. My dad slammed my head against the table and released my head. "All women want is dick and money! I paid for all the fucking bills when we were together! She didn't do shit!" I slowly brought my head up to look at his red face, dilated pupils, and red eyes.

He roared and tipped the coffee table over and all the drugs went flying everywhere. He looked at me and punched me in the face, "clean this shit up, little bitch!" I nodded and grabbed my crutches. He stopped me and shook his head, "crawl." Hesitated and got on my good knee with my bad leg extended. The cast prevented me from bending my knee, so this was going to be hard.

I crawled and yelled out from the pain in my injured leg. "You have one hour to get this mess cleaned up" , he sneered. I heard his boots on the rough carpet as he walked out of the room. I laid there for a second and then with all the strength I had, I crawled towards the vacuum. "Aaagh!", I yelled as my bad leg dragged on the ground. Tears of pain ran down my face and within seconds I passed out from the agony.


I felt something wet drip on my cheek, and suddenly I was drenched in ice cold water. My body jolted from the coldness and I looked around trying to find out what was going on. "Get up you little shit", I saw my dad looking down at me. "This living room still isn't fucking clean!" He slapped me with his calloused hand and my face whipped to the side from the impact. "You're lucky I have places to be, or else you would've been dead for not following my instructions."

I looked up at his green angry eyes and nodded. My dad stepped on my hand as he left and I just sat there wondering how I was going to clean the living room. Looking around, I spotted my crutches about three feet away from me. I reached and my hand brushed the crutch and I groaned in irritation. I tensed up as I crawled just a little bit, and I bit my lip as my leg dragged on the carpet.

When I reached my crutches, it took about five minutes for me to stand up. When I was finally settled, my eyes roamed the small living room for our cheap Shark vacuum cleaner. I crutched to it and struggled to bring it back to the mess that my dad created.

It took about an hour of me struggling just to get the drugs off and out of the carpet. I left the broken coffee table there because I knew I couldn't pick it up. When I was done, I went to my bathroom and washed the Coke off my face. Looking up, I saw how tired I was. My eyes had almost purple circles under them and my brown eyes were sad and defeated.

I looked in the corner of the mirror and smiled sadly at the picture of my mom and I when I was little. She was picking me up and whispering jokes in my ear. I had this big smile with no front teeth as she giggled in my ear. I felt a tear roll down my pale cheeks and I harshly wiped it away. Those memories are dead to me. I promised myself that wouldn't think about my mom anymore.

Getting sleepy I crutched my way to my bedroom. I'll take a shower in the morning.
The next morning I woke up to my old android phone ringing. I frowned at the unknown caller and answered.

"Hello?" I spoke. "Hey Gabriel! It's me April! I was wondering if you wanted me to give you a ride this morning?" I curled my lip up at her happiness, "April, how the hell did you get my number? And it's like five in the morning." I heard her chuckle and I rolled my eyes, "it's actually five thirty. I also just learned that you are not a morning person. Anyways, I'll be at your house in a hour." I sat up a little and cringed from the pounding headache I have. "How do you know where I live?" I murmured.

She laughed softly, "I know everything about you Gabriel."

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