It had black and and a little bit of grey fur, with blue eyes. It was a wolf, I read about these creatures in the books and they were known to be vicious creatures. They could eat you and cannot be tamed.

It kept it's eyes on (y/n) with a mad expression. I looked at (y/n) from the side and saw that her face was plain. She looked at the wolf and tilted her head, there was another hint of expression on her face.

She is... curious of the wolf.

She took a step forward.

What is she doing!?

I couldn't stop her because I was afraid to move.

"(y-y/n). Stay b-back, it's dangerous." But I don't think she heard me because I was quiet. I was afraid if I say anything too loud it might startle the wolf and attack us.

"Armin, run and send out a red flare." She told me.

"B-but how about you!?" I questioned.

"It's fine. Now go." She said.

I wanted to protest, but getting help from the others might be the best. I slowly walked away and as soon I was out of eye contact with the wolf I ran and shot up the flare gun. With that I started running towards the camp as fast as I can.

(y/n)'s pov:

What is this.. animal?

I think I remember reading this somewhere in mother Hange's book.

I think it was called a wolf?

After Armin ran, he shot up the flare gun, but that seemed to trigger the wolf a bit.

It growled even more at me, but didn't attack.

Instead it's growling got quieter until it sat down and stared at me.

I slowly started getting closer to it.

Can I touch it?

I was slow with my actions. I brought my hand up to the top if it's head. It growled and I stopped the motion of my arm. It quieted down a bit, and that's when I started moving my arm again until it reached the wolf's head.


It's fur was very soft. And I started stroking it some more.

I should probably go back.

I stood up and looked back at the wolf. I tossed it the rest of my food and it started devouring it. I looked back at it one more time and we made eye-contact. I turned myself away from the creature and ran back towards the camp.

Armin's pov:

I finally made it to camp. As I got there I heard Eren screaming.

"..We can't just leave them!"

"Armin!" Mikasa gasped as she saw me. Everyone's eyes turned towards me.

"What happened!?" Eren asked me as he made his way over to me. I had my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath.

"A wolf, we have to go back! (y/n) is still in there!" I exclaimed as I pointed back towards the trail.

~ Emotionless ~ arminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now