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The List of Stupid Shit

Word of my escapades in the hallway with Clarke got around pretty fast, no doubt her doing since her favorite hobby was being the center of attention.

Laughter and jeers followed me around school all day and I contemplated giving in and going to the lost and found to trade in my disgusting, sticky, orange smelling clothes for something a bit more clean, but I quickly decided against it after I remembered the week long case of chicken pox I had contracted last time I tried to rummage through the lost and found and I was beyond happy when the last bell of the day rang.

I thought I had endured the worst part of my day, that is until I realized that Finn was still acting like an asshole and refused to even look my way all night. I had a feeling it had something to do with Saturday, but how was he going to blame me for the things his parents and his sister said, I was just the messenger, though I supposed I could have been a bit less harsh delivering the news.

It was almost closing time now, and Finn still hadn't said a word in my direction like the petty child he was.

I suppose it was no or never.

"Hey?" I walked over to him standing at the counter idly, his eyes trained outside on the trees gently blowing back and forth in the warm fall air.

"What?" He spat at me, his eyes still trained outside.

"Aggressive much?"

"What do you want Specs?" I could see him clenching and unclenching his jaw like a maniac. "I'm not in the mood for your shit today."

Be nice.
Be nice.
Be nice.

Taking a deep breath, I dug around my back pocket for the note I had slipped in there this morning, sliding the folded square of paper across the counter to him "I just wanted to give you something."

He looked down at it disgustedly. "What the hell is this?"

"Well I felt bad about what happened over the weekend, you know, when I was helping you clean up after the party."

"You mean when you told me that I couldn't do anything and was a waste of space." Well shit. "Yeah" He nodded grimly, looking up at me with cold and calloused eyes. "I remember."

"Those exact words didn't come out my mouth but-"

"You still haven't told me what this shit is." He flicked his finger against the paper, sending it sliding a few inches across the counter.

"Well, if you read it, you can see that its a list of all the things you "can" do, thing's you're good at." I told him proudly, but my words only seemed to anger him more.

"And this is supposed to make feel better?" He spat through gritted teeth. "A list of stupid shit!"

"Are you serious?" He couldn't be serious. "You haven't even read it." I said, picking up the folding paper and holding in it his face, hoping he would take it.

He slapped it out of my hand.

"And I don't fucking want to!"

"God!" I exclaimed, now I was the one fuming, but not because I was angry at Finn, but because I was angry at myself. I don' know why I though that trying to do anything nice for this asshole was a good idea!

"I don't know why I even tried to be nice to you for a second." My hands were waving wildly in the air now. "I guess I forgot that assholes like you don't know how to show compassion or gratitude or literally any other emotion besides rage."

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