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All Except For One Person

For the first time in a long time I think was actually excited to go to school, well not excited, but at least looking forward to one particular class for the first time in my life, which just so happened to be the one I shared with the boy I hated. What were the odds?

I felt bad about the way I had left things with Finn on Saturday, and by that I meant the way that I told him his entire family thought he was useless and couldn't do anything and I wanted to apologize in a way that wouldn't end up with him yelling in my face like he so desperately loved to and, after much deliberation, I settled on the creation of a short list.

While Yara had been busy eating all my food and drinking all my soda lounging across my couch, I had been buried in my room as I tried to come with a list of things that Finn Rowe was actually good at.

It wasn't a long list, and half the things on their weren't even real skills, but I was still ecstatic to give him the list anyway. Maybe I would even make the son of bitch smile.

I shook my head to myself, that was definitely wishful thinking, but I at least hoped it would make him feel more useful.

"I just don't see why just because my brother chooses to be an ass I have to suffer just as much."

Yara was walking alongside me, spouting out words that I couldn't here, andI had sort of zoned out, and it wasn't until she yelled "Hello! Hello, earth to Haley." in my face and waved her hands in front of me a few times that I seemed to come back to reality.

"Mhm what?" I hummed and she frowned at me, her hands on her hips annoyed.

"I was talking about my rich girl problems!" She exclaimed. "Girl, where is your head?"

"Sorry" I quickly apologized.

"You good?"

"Yeah" I nodded, lying as usual. It seemed I had been doing a lot of lying lately. "I just heard from one of the other classes that there's a surprise pop quiz in APUSH today."

"Oh shit." Yara cursed, dropping her hands from her waist, and I quickly shook my head.

"You're probably safe, I heard he's only giving it to certain classes."

"What a shithead."

"Yeah I know. Oh hey-" I exclaimed in a desperate attempt to change the subject. "I just remembered. Callum has another game tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me."

"For Callum....or for Tobyyy?" she sung, throwing her arms around my shoulder, but I quickly shrugged her off annoyedly.

"Oh my god!" I rolled my eyes, waving my hands through the air. "Nevermind, you've been officially uninvited!" I declared with a laugh and Yara opened her mouth, no doubt ready with a snarky remark, but the bell ringing overhead drowned out her voice.

I let out a curse, amusing Yara who let out a curt laugh.

"Wow" She pursed her lips with a nod. "You must be really excited for that pop quiz."

She had no idea. "Wish me luck." I called over my shoulder as I tugged my backpack straps tighter to my body and began to speedwalk down the hall to my class.

"Luck!" I heard her yell down the hall after me, and I smiled. I was definitely going to need all the luck in the world, especially after I slammed smack into Clarke's perky boobs in my haste to run down the hallway.

I shouldn't have even been surprised at this point, the universe had already made it painstakingly clear that, out all the 7 billion people on the planet, it loved making my life the most miserable.

"What the fuck!" Clarke screamed, and a few straggling students still in the hallway turned to look our way. "Do you not know how to look where you're going?" She scoffed down at me, looking disgusted as usual.

"I'm sorry" I quickly apologized, praying that since we were both already late for class she would just leave me alone, take her friends with her, and be on her way.

"I didn- I wasn't looking where I was going." I stuttered out.

"Yeah no shit." Her spit was flying out of her mouth like a rain shower and she didn't miss a single beat. Turning to her friends she demanded, "Give me your sodas!"

Both girls stood hesitantly, clutching their vending machine sodas tightly in their hands. "Give them to me now!" Clarke yelled.

They handed them over now, and just my luck they would be bright orange, the literal only color that would stain.

"Clarke please don't-"

"Hold her."Clarke nodded her friends towards me, and I didn't even try and resist this time as they slammed me against the lockers restraining my hands, and Clarke's devilish smirk was the last thing I saw before carbonated orange soda was thrown into my face.

I shut my eyes tight, my face scrunched as I felt her pour more over my head. I could feel in trickling down my shirt, under my bra and down into the waistband of my jeans and I wondered how she had managed to be so through in her tosses because I was quite literally drenched.

When the soda cans were empty Clarke dropped them to the floor, taking a few steps back to admire her masterpiece.

"There we go." She dusted her hands off, as if proud of her work, and her little minions flocked back to her side sporting the same maniacal grins. "Consider this your incentive to watch where the fuck you're going from now on ok?"

I waited until the sound of their footsteps echoing on the tiled floors had completely receded before I pried my eyes open, doing my best to wipe the sticky soda trails that had washed over my eyelids as I took in my ghastly appearance.

I ran into the nearest bathroom with a disgruntled humph, more annoyed than anything, wetting a thousand paper towels under the shitty stream of water dripping from the school sink as I tried to clean off the soda from my face and my clothes the best I could, but it was no use. Not only did I literally smell and look like a citrus fruit, but I was sticky in all the wrong places and late for class as well!

I didn't have time for this, I had to go.

"Mrs. Mendez!" The teacher's head, along with every other student's in the class turned to greet me as soon as I pushed the classroom door open, and I closed my eyes, mentally berating myself for thinking I could slip back in class unnoticed.

"Next time you want to be late to class, try and come in more quietly instead of disrupting my class please?"

"Sorry sir." I apologized in a whisper.

Laughter and snickers echoed behind me as I slowly padded over to my seat, my head bowed trying to keep from drawing any more attention to myself, but I could still feel a thousand pair of eyes boring into the back of my head.

Well, all except one person.

Finn's eyes were trained on the digital board in the front of the classroom where the teacher was steadily lecturing, quickly scribbling down notes as he went and I didn't miss the way he scooted away from me as I pulled out my chair next to him and took a seat.

So much for my list.

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