There are 5 types of arteries. The original artery, hybrid artery, legendary artery, lost artery, and unknown artery.

The original artery can only let the original class elements flow through it, the hybrid artery can only let the hybrid class elements flow through it, the lost artery can only let the lost elements flow through it, and the unknown artery can only let the unknown elements go through it.

The Original Elements: Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth.

The Hybrid Elements: Electricity, Ice, Sound, and Metal.

The Lost Elements: Light and Darkness

The Unknown Elements: Creation and Void.

Each artery can only have 1 element. For example I have the hybrid artery which means I can use only one of the hybrid elements, which is ice.

Everybody is born with only 1 artery. But, there have been cases where people are born with more than one mana artery. This means that they are able to practice more than one element. But this type of person only comes every 1,000 years.

Anyways, once a person has filled their mana pool and is able to let mana flow through their artery, they will be able to feel changes. But they still won't be able to physically use magic. The reason is because they will only have internal changes.

Since the human body still hasn't adjusted to having mana, there will be changes that will happen inside the body first.

The changes usually vary depending on what type the person's mana artery is and on what element they have. The changes can make a person's physical appearance to change too.

Once a person's body adjusts to the mana, that is when they'll be able to use their element and learn skills.

To activate a skill, normal/average people use chants. But, those with a high affinity usually only use a couple words or none at all.   
When I first tested out my skills, I used words like ‘ice ball’ and ‘ice spear’. It didn’t work immediately, but I kept trying. 

Once I started concentrating more of my mana flow on my hand, I used an ‘ice ball’, and an ice ball came out from my hand which hit a tree. It only caused the bark to come off but as I continued the effects got bigger. By the end I could make a hole through a tree. 

I knew I wasn’t OP or anything since these were the achievements of Evolet and not me. But, I was still super happy when I was able to do this. 

Evolet's original body had an average  affinity and a high MP. Her affinity was 32 and her MP was 700,100.

Affinity is the quality of a person's mana and MP (mana power)  is the quantity of mana. This means that Evolets mana was of average quality but she had a lot of it. So she is able to use her element for a long time.

In the Wels family, Cara has the water element, Caleb has earth, Carter has wind, Caroline has water, and Mark has earth. They all have a low affinity around 2-5. So, all they can do with their elements are small tasks like chores. But, unlike their affinity, their mana pool is average in the range of 10,000-25,000. This lets them use their elements for more time without exhausting it. 

They have helped me a lot in learning the basics, especially Caleb since he has the highest affinity and mana pool. Now I am able to use spells of a higher grade because of the previous Evolet. Though I try not to use much since it might hurt the baby. 

It is honestly quite hard to keep up with the baby sometimes. In the book, he had a super high affinity and mana pool. So, when he was in Evolet's womb, he constantly drained her mana in order to grow his own. Even though he doesn’t do it on purpose, he really makes me tired sometimes when he exhausts almost all my mana.

But so far nothing out of the ordinary (in this world’s standards) has happened with my pregnancy. I still went to the local hospital to get a check up and the doctor just told me to eat a variety of foods and to expect the baby to come about a week earlier since he is growing fast. Right now I am 31 weeks pregnant, so I would have the baby in the next 3 weeks or so. 

I still feel quite scared of the pain because of the stories I've heard from Ma. But hopefully, it isn’t as painful with this body or I swear I will squeeze the life out of anyone who is around me at that moment.

3 weeks later


“Just a little more keep pushing”, the nurse tells me.

“SHUT UHHHHHHH” I scream in annoyance.

“Just one more darling, you're almost there” says Caroline.

“ARGHHHHHHH” I yell while squeezing the life out of the blankets under me.


As soon as I feel the child come out of me, I sigh in relief as my body slumps. Why is it so hard to push a child out!!!


I turn to the baby that was in the nurse's arm and she turns to look at me and says, “It’s a boy.”

I stretched out my arms as the nurse gave him to me, and as soon as I grabbed him his wailing fell silent. 

He was so tiny. Honestly he looked quite ugly. But he still looked adorable.

I feel my vision blur of tears as I look at him. He had his eyes closed but was fully aware of who I was.

“Hello”, I say to the baby as I carefully caress his face with my hand. 
As soon as he heard my voice he opened his eyes forcefully and I saw the biggest grey/purple orbs I have ever seen. When he sees my face he starts to reach out to me. So I take my finger and place it on his hand as he clenches it. 

I start to feel pain in my cheeks for how much I am smiling and say, “His name will be Eijaz Ethan Usoro.”

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