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Dear diary,

School sucks.

I think that's all that's needed for today's entry.

But because I've got no friends to gossip to, I'm going to be gossiping to a book.

So first off, there's this really annoying girl in my class. I'm not going to name names (even though it won't make a difference if I do) so I'm just going to call her Really Annoying Girl. Anyways, Really Annoying girl is that person who thinks they're super cool, always makes a big deal out of everything to get attention, and always joins in conversations even if it has nothing to do with them.

Today, the teacher was running late to the class because teachers are teachers and if they're 10 minutes late because the line at Starbucks took longer than expected, no one really cares.

Since there was no one over 30 in the meeting, there were some kids talking and Really Annoying girl joined the meeting and started to try and make conversation with one of the boys who was laughing about something. It went something like this:

Really Annoying Girl (RAG): Hey Boy (not his real name)!

Boy: Um hey RAG

RAG: Did you hear that the Johnson and Johnson COVID vaccine is caused blood clotting in 6 women? Pretty scary right?

Boy: I guess? I don't really-

RAG: Hey do you play Roblox? I play it a lot. I'm not really like other girls because when they're partying, I'm usually at home playing video games.

Boy: I sometimes play it but-

RAG: Oh really? What's your username? We can be friends and play a roleplay game together! Maybe Brookhaven? We could pretend to have a family together!

Boy: *mutes himself*

RAG: Hello? I can just text you my username if you want. What's your number?

RAG: *sees another boy with his make unmuted* Oh hey Boy 2.0 (again, not the real name)! Do you play Roblox? Or any video game in general? I'm different because I play a lot of different video games.

Boy 2.0: *mutes himself*

And then she kept going because, you know, she's got nothing to lose at this point. I mean, I think her dignity was lost a few thousand boys ago.

But seriously, what's with this ridiculous "quirky" thing? I mean, I have yet to meet a girl who doesn't like to play video games or doesn't like to binge eat while binge watching. It doesn't make you different at all! It makes you just like everyone else!

Another guy in my class is the definition of "teacher's pet," so that's what I'm going to call him. Every single time someone calls on Teacher's Pet, he always gives these 30 minute lectures to answer the question. The teacher's love it and always say they couldn't have explained it better, which really annoys me because then Teacher's Pet gets encouraged to up his answers to 45 minutes.

School is kind of useless in my opinion. I would love to be an actress when I grow up, and for some weird reason, I don't exactly think that knowing how to find the slope of a line is going to make Hollywood go crazy for me.

My parents still aren't talking to me. I think they've accepted the fact that I'm just going to go mute for the rest of my life and they've decided to take a page out of my book. Can't tell if this is good or bad.


A very conflicted Eva

Dear readers,

I'm not going to say the scenarios up there are true, but I'm also not going to deny that they aren't. Do with that what you will ;)

I actually do play Roblox (my username is DramaLlama7464) but I promise I won't rope you into marrying me through a roleplay game. :p

I really don't understand this whole quirky thing though. Like okay. You'd rather watch a movie and eat pizza than go to a club and swap spit with a stranger.

Same here girl. And I'm 99% sure I speak for at least another 6,083 girls.

Also I have a dog. I finally got one after 7 years of begging and the reality of the situation is just now hitting me even though I got that weird, grass-obsessed dog on January 9th.

IVE GOT A DOG YALL!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's wrap this up now.


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