She wipes her tears. Sim's holds her hand. I sit next to her too and she's in the middle. I put my hand on top of theirs.

" I know I don't deserve your forgiveness and this here right now with my two beautiful daughters in-laws. I don't deserve this compassion you are feeling for me and showing me. It brings shame and I feel like I should leave all of you alone and go away and never see you again...." she cries when she says the last part. "...but I don’t know how I will do that when the last two and half years away from all of you was the worst time of my life. I don't think I can do it again but if that will bring peace in this family and that is what I will do. It's going to hurt me cause i wont be here to help you when the baby comes." she wipes sims tears.

" I want to be here for you like how i was when luh was pregnant even though I didn’t get to hold my grandkids and help her with them and I want to do that with you but I know that's not possible and I have accepted that. Sims you are a  great mother and you have raised wonderful kids. I have seen how you are with them and you doing a great job. My son is blessed ton have you and be given this second chance again but if he messes up again leave him. He's not worth your tears and stress."

" Thank you ma. All i ever wanted was for you to love me and accept me. That’s all I ever wanted."

" I was very wrong about you simphiwe and I hope you will truly forgive me and if I am still alive you will allow me to be part of all my grandchildren's lives. Both of you and maybe zipho one day." gosh his girlfriend. I had to tally forgotten about that.

" Ma, I have learned many things from you. I have watched how your kids love and respect you and they still do even thought they are still hurt and disappointed but to them ma. You are this wonderful mother and that is never going to change. You raised three amazing men who love hard and are very protective of those they love. What you did doesn't suddenly replace all those kisses, hugs and laughter you showered them with. If you were this wicked and evil person that was going to show on how you raised your children. Yes you did hurt us very much but you were young and made a mistake. You didn’t think that the past will come and haunt you. Had you maybe been raised with love and affection, maybe we all wouldn't be here."

I take a deep breath and realise the whole house has gone silent. I don’t know if they are listening to us or they have left.

" You know ma if my dad, me and my brother can forgive uncle victor for everything then we also can forgive you. I believe everything happens for a reason in our lives. Look at how we found everyone. Someone wanted me dead, mbuso and his brothers go there and they rescue children, girls and women not knowing that one of those girls was his niece. What I'm trying to say and I could be wrong and I'm not saying what you did was right but maybe had you not did what you had done then maybe we all wouldn't be here who knows?."

" I don't know luh."

" It's okay ma but what you must know is you can't leave. You are still needed here."

" what did you want to talk about?." she asks.

" All of you have to in one room when i tell you all of this."

" I think everyone is here, maybe you can tell them now?."

" Where is lesego and the kids? Your husband too and the others?."

" they are at the next door house."

" ok." I wince.

" are you okay?. sims asks.

" yeah I am just a headache that’s all."

" Luh?..."

" I'm fine ma. Sims can you please call bonga and tell them to come here so i can tell everyone what's going on." she nods.