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The Time Patrol has been informed and they were, expectantly, and hopefully, already on their way to the island. The Time Patrol reportedly has a response time of about ten minutes, not a second more or less. Ten minutes!


That's all! All Doraemon and his team had to do was to hold on just a little bit longer till their help arrives; try to not die a little bit longer; try to stay alive a little bit longer. Luckily, this was the only thing they had to do in that ten minutes -but unfortunately, this was the most difficult thing to get done at that time; with possibly all the men and guards in the building out looking for them, and them alone surviving amidst that was near impossible.... The only good part was that they got to the Time Patrol before Cash could.

Cash has finally come to know about every part of this action and as expected wasn't too happy about it. In fact, realising that all his efforts, his hard work and all of his dreams are about to meet a very tragic end, he could not keep his head calm any longer. He was so infuriated at those couple of petty kids, that he was dead set on not having them captured, but having them killed as soon as could.

Consequently, he ordered all his men to only keep searching for them in the building, saying:
"Find them. Each and every single one of those bastards! How dare they interfere with my plans? I don't care what age they are of? I don't care where they're from? I don't care who they are or if they had anything to do with the call. I've seen them. I've judged them well. They are all behind this. No one spared! So I want all of them dead-ALL OF THEM! Find them; hunt them down to the last person and kill them at sight."

The men nodded their heads, saluted him and were almost halfway through the door when:
Cash added with a sinister smirk on his face, "Roosevelt-(one of them turned and stopped, running to hear him) Do me a favour too... Try to bring in Nobita and his blue racoon alive to me... I wanna see them before you do anything... We haven't quite had a conversation!"

The man in the uniform standing before him nodded and ran off the office door. Cash stood smirking like an evil genius, clearly patching something up in his mind. Meanwhile,

16:42-Inside Cash's main control room

Figures bashed through the door and flooded the room. Bullets started flowing from both sides without any pauses or hesitation. The small room, stuffed with machines, control systems, monitors, technical equipments was now so full of men dressed in white uniform and big helmets rested on their heads, with weapons, that there was hardly any place to spare. Nobita, Gian, Suneo and Jack were trying their best to hold off the men using their individual techniques.

Suneo said, continuing to fire one bullet every ten seconds and using the other nine to prepare himself both mentally and physically to shoot a gun, "We can't hide in here and keep them away from the controls much longer. Eventually, they are going to catch up..."

Gian answered, "What do you suppose we do?" chasing away the men with his long stick, who managed to get too close to them.
Nobita said, "We could just go for it, fight through them all the way outside..."

Jack shrugged in fear of what he just heard and said, "Are you insane, Nobi? Bullets are flying all over the room. If we try to run out of here, we will drop dead on the ground before being able to take even a small step towards the door."

Nobita added, "Yeah, that's a good point. But we can't just let them be with the controls alone. If they pull up the barrier back on this island, all of this will be of no use...."

Suneo fired a bullet and felt reaction impact so badly on his arm that he was jolted backward from his initial and he tripped, falling back. He broke off his fall by placing the two arms behind on the ground, before hitting it and something slid under those fingers. He curiously turned around and saw one of the tile slid aside from the floor with a small hollow space; a wooden box carefully placed inside it. Immediately, he lifted up the box, and opened it slowly-a tiny red drive was placed inside it. His eyes twinkled.

I - THE WRATH OF CASH (Doraemon Reimagination Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora