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Nobita: No! No! No! Help please.... Help.... (Yells and cries of desperation)
Gian: Don't worry. I won't let go. Just hold on, alright? Just hold on for a little more longer. You hear me, Nobita...
(Nobita keeps crying)
(A violent gush of water hits--the boat tips a bit further--Gian loses balance-- Nobita's hand slips off from his--Nobita floats away by the water current and gets separated from his friends)
Gian: (screaming) N-O-B-I-T-AAAA!!!
Nobita: (crying) Aeaeaehhhhhh!!!!

Gian lashed out before even opening his eyes after the short nap. Betty caught him, calmed him down and asked Gian, after he was quite stable, "Bad dream, huh?!"

Gian grabbed his face with his palms and sat with his knees folded up and his arms on top of them. He slowly nodded his head in reply.

Doraemon realised what he dreamt of on examining his response towards it after he awoke and added wisely, "Same dream, wasn't it, Gian?"

Gian finally spoke, rather in a very depressed manner which was unusual considering the fact that he was 'Gian', the classic jock and bully at school, "I was supposed to save him, Doraemon. It was me who was holding his hand in the middle of that crisis. I should've held on to him. It is my fault that Nobita is missing...."

Doraemon answered with a positive note in his voice, "No, it's not, Gian. It's not your fault. You tried. You tried your best to save him."

Gian stood up and shouted out angrily, "But I couldn't. I failed and now he's gone and that's all that matters." Saying this, he barged away towards the open doorway, screaming, "It's my fault that I lost Nobita and now I can't even do a goddamn thing to fix it, being locked up in this stupid cell for no reason!"

Gian had just lifted up his right fist into the air when all the others began to caution him. But unfortunately they were too late. Gian banged his fist on the empty space at the door way and in no time, was catapulted away ten feet from the place where he was standing. All the others sighed while Shizuka and Suneo ran to Gian in order to help him up from the ground.

Doraemon reminded, "I've already told you about a ten times now, Gian... That is an electronic shock shield. Banging it won't do you any good except tossing you off in the air by a shock wave and breaking every last bone in your body. So DON'T..."

Betty added, "Don't be so hard on yourself for not being able to save your friend. You can't always save everyone you try to. You'll know it once you grow up. You just need to cherish the people you saved, right. Heck! You saved me, right kid?"

Captain said, "I'm sure you'll find your friend Nobita too, once we manage to get out of here."

Gian regretfully sat back down in his place while Shizuka caressed his wounds and Suneo gently brushed his back in consolation.

After a while,
Gian changed the topic and said, "So what about Cash?" On hearing those words, everyone got distracted from whatever they were thinking and looked up at Gian. He continued, "We can't let him go through with his plan, right?"

Doraemon said, after a pause, in his support, "Gian's right. We can't let Cash do this. It's not right. Mutating innocent animals, using them and turning them into weapons for your own profit is cruel and not right."

Suneo added frightfully, "Yeah, he just demonstrated his entire plan to us. It's pure evil. God knows what he'll do to us now. Mamaaa! I wanna go home."

Gian snapped, "Shut up. I told you Suneo we are not going back before we find Nobita. Understand?" Hearing this, Suneo kept quiet, still crying.

Captain said, "Well, he only did that because he knew that even if we wanted to stop him, we couldn't. We're powerless to do anything against him from down here. Left us feeling desperate but hopeless!!!"
Uttering these words, his head bent low towards the ground. And so did everyone else's.

I - THE WRATH OF CASH (Doraemon Reimagination Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora