"Ai'No! Is this him?" Type asked pointing at Kengkla and No nodded slowly, face still buried in his arms. Type rolled his eyes.

"Great! He's your problem now," Type said to Kengkla before turning back to look at his boyfriend playing the drums.

"Can anyone explain to me what is happening here?" Champ was clueless.

"You are hardly in town for a couple of days and you already found someone. Why do I even bother to know," Drake rolled his eyes and again focused his attention back on stage. Hearing this made No to straighten up and send a glare at Kengkla before getting up from his seat.

"I'm gonna get another drink," he said storming off. Champ looked at the pissed off No walking off and scratched his head. He then saw Kengkla sigh and smack Drake on his head.

"What the fuck? Why the hell did you hit me?" Drake was now pissed off. He didn't mind punching his cousin for ruining his mood of listening to the band tonight.

"Well, you deserved it! Why did you even say something like that before?! Look what you just did, you pissed him off!" Kengkla hissed as he ran his fingers through his head.

"Well, you always cause trouble. I didn't want to know any details," Drake shrugged.

"But not with him! This is different! He's different! He's special..." Kengkla smiled as he thought of his P'No.

"But you just ruined it," Kengkla glared at his cousin.

"Just go talk to him and clear things up. It'll be alright," Drake said and once again turned to look at the stage.

"If this doesn't work, I'll tell on you to Rose," Kengkla gave a mischievous smile which made Drake roll his eyes. Kengkla knew that Rose was a fujoshi and if she came to know that her boyfriend meddled in his relationship, then she wouldn't spare him.

"And what would that be?" Drake didn't bother. He was just getting annoyed every time his cousin kept interrupting him.

"You'll know if I don't work things out with P'No," Kengkla said as he rushed after No, and Drake rolled his eyes before he was finally able to watch his girlfriend rocking the stage.

Champ shook his head and downed a shot. Instead of getting confused over everything around him, he decided to just ignore it and have some fun.


It was nothing but a regular Thursday after football practice, No was sitting at the bar in his football jersey swirling his beer around in his glass absently, waiting for Champ and Type who were late. His phone pinged and he saw the messages from Type saying that he had a date with Tharn and Champ was still no show. No gulped down the beer until his glass was empty.

"Athletes should never have an empty glass," a guy said as he leaned on the bar and smiled. When No turned to look at him, he smiled absently thinking it was Champ.

"Need a refill? My treat." The guy said and that's when No realized it wasn't Champ. He blinked at the guy, as he licked his lips like he can't quite believe what's happening-

"Anything you'd recommend?" No asked a little clumsy in his movements. He wanted to get drunk and not care about anything.

"You seem the sweet type," the guy said honestly, waving at the bartender. "But, I dunno, you could definitely have some toughness hidden behind that cute smile.

Whether it was the alcohol in him, or the pickup line from the guy, No let out a chuckle, and his face pinks up perfectly. The look on the guy's face shows that he is already so enamored of the footballer he knows now there's no point in playing casually. The new guy had to look away before he got lost in No's cuteness and smile. He grabbed the bartender and ordered a round of shots.

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