book two, chapter one: sunburnt

Start from the beginning

"You know we were kinda in the middle of something" Sal poked Larry's side and I looked over at him smiling beneath his mask.

"Hey sometimes I wanna cuddle" Larry huffed, pouting his bottom lip out. "Cmon, please?"

I groaned and giggled "alright, alright! Only for a little. The sun is really beating down on us. I don't wanna be in it too long"

The three of us laid there for awhile longer, letting the very gentle breeze graze our skin.

The sound of nature was just perfect.

Living with my bestest friends was probably the greatest thing that could've happened to me. I feel so loved and at home here, more love and happiness than I've felt in a long long time.

I felt Sals hand in my hair as he twisted little strands around his fingers.

Larry's chest rose and fell slowly, his eyes shut tight and his hair in a high bun at the top of his head. His body covered the two of us like a blanket and it was honestly pretty nice.

I could feel my eyes become heave and my mind drifted off to another place. I definitely wasn't asleep, just. Drifting.

I shivered, waking me up from my blank mind and bit my lip. I get major chills when I get sunburnt.

"Hey guys can we go in? My back and shoulders feel really warm..."

Larry just hummed as Sal turned to look at me "oh sweetheart, youre all pink. You're skins so warm to the touch..." he stated as he let his fingers dance across my back. "Let's get you inside"

We finally got Larry to roll over and lazily drag himself inside.

The sun had always made him really tired. He slumped over to the couch and basically passed out immediately.

"Oh jeez baby... are you alright?" Sal questioned, making me blush at the newest nickname. "Let me get you some Aloe Vera."

He scurried to the fridge as fast as he could, pulling out the bottle he stored in the fridge. A few weeks ago Larry fell asleep on the hammock and he was burnt to a crisp. So we stocked up.

Sal took my hand lightly and led me over to the couch, setting me at the end Larry wasn't on.

"Turn around, it'll be cold but it'll feel good I promise"

I did as he said and hugged my knees to my chest.

He was right, it almost felt as if it stung but it was such a refreshing sting. His fingers trailed the cold jelly-like substance across my burning shoulders.

I breathed out making him retract his hand quickly.

"Oh s-sorry it was a good exhale" I shut my eyes and squeezed my legs tighter.

He understood and continued to massage the liquid onto my skin. "You look really cute (Y/N). and your adorable pink little cheeks from the sun. I could kiss you all day"

I peered over my shoulder and smiled to him, making eye contact with the absolute love of my life.

"I love you Sal" I puckered my lips and leaned a bit, causing him to lean forward and pecking my lips back.

"I love you too, beautiful.

I went to go turn my head but he stopped me by putting his finger under my chin and pulling me into another kiss. He lingered longer than last time, making my heart flutter intensely.

He finally finished up and closed the bottle, running to the kitchen to wash his hands.

"Alright, just relax okay?" He called from the kitchen and sighed "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were burning up so bad"

"It's not your fault love, I promise!" I consoled him. "Can we cuddle though?"

"But how?" He asked tilting his head and stepping back over to me as I stood up.

I cleared my throat and pointed to the seat, making him even more confused. He soon got what I meant and placed his body on the seat.. "But how are we going to-"

I slowly crawled myself into his lap and straddled him happily, wrapping my arms around his frame. As weird and sexualized as the position sounds, it was the best position for me to be in with my sunburn.

"Are you comfortable (Y/N)?" He whispered softly and kissed my temple.

In a way I'm really glad he doesn't sexualize everything. I feel like a lot of guys (including Larry) would take the opportunity to make one of those moments out of this but he truly just cared about taking care of me and making me happy.

I nodded, burying my face into his neck. I felt the cool air from the air conditioning flowing around the place and squeezed him. I felt my breathing slow down to a steady pace as I heard him chuckle.

"When you wake up we can get you into a nice cold shower okay? How does that sound" he cooed softly.

"Amazing" I spoke quietly, letting my mind go blank and my body fully sink into the best boyfriend I could've asked for.

fall for you (Sally Face x Reader) BOOK ONE, COMPLETE (book two continues here)Where stories live. Discover now